How to host Ruby application on godaddy shared server

Hi All.
I am a developer working for Ruby On Rails project. I am trying to
deploy my ruby project on godaddy shared server, but i am unable to
browse the application and i am not getting any help from the support
team of hosting server. Can any one help me to solve the problem. It
would be grateful for me if anyone suggest me what to do.

Thanks in advance for your help

On Apr 13, 9:16 am, Ranjan [email protected] wrote:

I am a developer working for Ruby On Rails project. I am trying to
deploy my ruby project on godaddy shared server, but i am unable to
browse the application and i am not getting any help from the support
team of hosting server. Can any one help me to solve the problem. It
would be grateful for me if anyone suggest me what to do.

I don’t have any experience with GoDaddy’s shared hosting, but I can
tell you that trying to run a Rails application on a shared server
will lead to nothing but headaches. You really want a dedicated
server or VPS with at least 256MB of RAM for even most trivial Rails


John W.

A VPS is not needed for small rails applications, and it would require
some knowledge about Linux administration, Apache, Mongrel, etc.

I would recommend you to go to, or if you are looking for great shared hosting service.

Best regards,

Maykel Rodriguez

I agree 100% with John, it’s true that the historic problem with
shared hosting is the resources sharing. At speedyrails we have tried
to solve this issue guaranteeing 60MB of RAM for every mongrel
instance. The number of mongrel instances per processor is also
controlled, only around 30 - 35 mongrel instances per processor,
guaranteeing a fairly good performance for shared hosting customers.
There are always sites with more traffic than others, so in some cases
we have had to move some busy sites to servers with lower load, but
this is not frequent, with the above constrains our servers have been
running pretty smoothly for more than 4 months (we launched our
service last November).

I think a similar approach is used at RaislPlayGround and I guess more
providers are doing so.

Ranjan wrote:

Hi All.
I am a developer working for Ruby On Rails project. I am trying to
deploy my ruby project on godaddy shared server, but i am unable to
browse the application and i am not getting any help from the support
team of hosting server. Can any one help me to solve the problem. It
would be grateful for me if anyone suggest me what to do.

Thanks in advance for your help

Not one person on this list has answered the initial question.
Regardless of your opinions of negativity – has anyone gotten a rails
app running on a godaddy account and if so could you share with the rest
of us your magic?

On Apr 23, 9:06 pm, Guest [email protected] wrote:

Not one person on this list has answered the initial question.
Regardless of your opinions of negativity – has anyone gotten a rails
app running on a godaddy account and if so could you share with the rest
of us your magic?

My guess would be that the lack of an answer in any of the places I’ve
seen this question asked is an answer in itself. It’s hardly
“negativity” to point out the fact that high-volume, discount hosts
such as GoDaddy are not a great place to try and run a Rails
application – it’s just a statement of fact.

I’ve been able to get simple apps to run on GoDaddy…read that as
“run” rather than perform. It usually takes up to 15 seconds for the
fcgi process to spawn, but once it does, it will run at a decent clip
for a while.

Steps I’ve taken.

  1. Set up the rails app directory in the cgi manager.
  2. Freeze rails and any other gems. (I’ve used up to version 1.1.6 on
  3. Upload the project into a subdirectory of the newly created rails
    app directory
  4. In the cgi manager, create the symbolic link to your newly uploaded
  5. Change permissions on /sitename/public/dispatch.* to 755
  6. make sure the first line of the dispatch.cgi and the dispatch.fcgi
    is #!/usr/local/bin/ruby
  7. Once it works in cgi, try fcgi by editing the .htaccess file again
    and changing this line RewriteRule ^(.)$ dispatch.cgi [QSA,L] to
    RewriteRule ^(.
    )$ dispatch.fcgi [QSA,L]
  8. I’ve also been able to use a domain pointer to point directly at
    the rails app. Just use the domain management control panel to point
    your extra domain to the /rails_apps/sitename/public directory.

Lest you think I’m full of BS :), this little test site is running on
fcgi on godaddy’s servers right now. Please be kind, it’s just a test
site :slight_smile:

Another important note, is that with GoDaddy, when using a rails app
that’s not in the root directory, such as the one above, you have to
include the trailing slash in the address. (<-- no slash) will through an error.

On Apr 14, 6:48 pm, “[email protected][email protected]

A VPS is not needed for small rails applications, and it would require
some knowledge about Linux administration, Apache, Mongrel, etc.

The problem with shared hosts isn’t necessarily your small application
– it’s often the other guy’s big application. There’s simply no way
around it; Rails requires a decent chunk of dedicated RAM to be
useful. I’m not trying to be a detractor here – that’s just one of
the trade-offs you need to be aware of. I don’t think it’s a
coincidence that the number of places offering decent-but-low-end VPS
solutions has increased dramatically with the growing popularity of

There are plenty of places today that offer incredibly affordable VPS
solutions, and attaining “some knowledge about Linux administration”,
etc. is an investment you won’t regret. If you’re really trying to
learn Ruby/Rails (or any other platform for that matter) you also need
to understand the environment that supports it. That doesn’t mean you
need all of the skills of a great sysadmin, but you should be able to
– for example – install a base Linux system and get it to the point
of serving a Rails application.

If you decide you do want to use shared hosting, I agree with Maykel
that you should consider one of the providers he mentioned over
GoDaddy. You’ll certainly have better luck with one of them since they
have made official Rails support part of their core offering.


John W.

I wouldn’t call it a success…it just barely runs :slight_smile:

Step 5: my ftp client (filezilla) allows me to right click on a file
on the server and set permissions

Here’s my database.yml

adapter: mysql
database: movielist
username: root
password: xxxxxx
host: localhost

adapter: mysql
database: ********
username: *******
password: ******
port: 3306

The database, username, password & host should all be gleaned from
your sql manager app on godaddy.

as for the rails_apps directory. It’s nothing special. It’s
something you create in the CGI admin screen of goDaddy. The
directory can be named anything you want it to be named. The CGI admin
app will automatically throw an .htaccess file into it.

The symbolic links are really needed. They just make it easier to
navigate to your rails app. e.g. my movies app is actually at the symbolic link
just allows me to access it via




Will you please post your dispatch.cgi, dispatch.fcgi, and .htaccess
(.htaccess file for both the rails_apps and movies directories :slight_smile:



So far you are the only success story I’ve read about running a rails
application on GoDaddy. I’ve followed your instructions below to the
best of my ability and have made some success but I’ve yet to get my
rails app up and running. Can you please provide me with a few more

Step 5 changing permissions (how do I do that?)
Can you provide a sample of your database.yml file (with the password
omitted of course)?
Step 1 & 4, provide a sample of the example of the rails app directory
and symbolic link?

Thanks for your help.

Robert Hall
[email protected]

Marlon M. wrote:

I’ve been able to get simple apps to run on GoDaddy…read that as
“run” rather than perform. It usually takes up to 15 seconds for the
fcgi process to spawn, but once it does, it will run at a decent clip
for a while.

Steps I’ve taken.

  1. Set up the rails app directory in the cgi manager.
  2. Freeze rails and any other gems. (I’ve used up to version 1.1.6 on
  3. Upload the project into a subdirectory of the newly created rails
    app directory
  4. In the cgi manager, create the symbolic link to your newly uploaded
  5. Change permissions on /sitename/public/dispatch.* to 755
  6. make sure the first line of the dispatch.cgi and the dispatch.fcgi
    is #!/usr/local/bin/ruby
  7. Once it works in cgi, try fcgi by editing the .htaccess file again
    and changing this line RewriteRule ^(.)$ dispatch.cgi [QSA,L] to
    RewriteRule ^(.
    )$ dispatch.fcgi [QSA,L]
  8. I’ve also been able to use a domain pointer to point directly at
    the rails app. Just use the domain management control panel to point
    your extra domain to the /rails_apps/sitename/public directory.

Lest you think I’m full of BS :), this little test site is running on
fcgi on godaddy’s servers right now. Please be kind, it’s just a test
site :slight_smile:

Another important note, is that with GoDaddy, when using a rails app
that’s not in the root directory, such as the one above, you have to
include the trailing slash in the address. (<-- no slash) will through an error.

The CGI admin app will automatically throw an .htaccess file, is it
needed to change in .htacess file while deploying rails application

Ranjan wrote:

Hi All.
I am a developer working for Ruby On Rails project. I am trying to
deploy my ruby project on godaddy shared server, but i am unable to
browse the application and i am not getting any help from the support
team of hosting server. Can any one help me to solve the problem. It
would be grateful for me if anyone suggest me what to do.

Thanks in advance for your help

Hi Ranjan,

I think this article can help you solve your issues …


I’ve to agree with John. Shared hosting is nothing but a headache, went
through all that a while back.

A shameless plug, I wrote a script that makes Rails deployments a

If you’re interested I can get your suited with some free licenses and
point you toward some good,cheap web hosts. I don’t get referral fee or
anything, just good karma I figured. And I use the personally.


Ranjan wrote:

Hi All.
I am a developer working for Ruby On Rails project. I am trying to
deploy my ruby project on godaddy shared server, but i am unable to
browse the application and i am not getting any help from the support
team of hosting server. Can any one help me to solve the problem. It
would be grateful for me if anyone suggest me what to do.

Thanks in advance for your help

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