= Announce: RubyGems Release 0.9.3
Release 0.9.3 is a maintenance release of RubyGems that fixes a problem
with ZLib on Windows playforms.
If you are experiencing “Buffer Error” problems with RubyGems, we
recommend upgrading to RubyGems 0.9.3.
Bug Fixes Include:
The ZLib library on Windows will occasionally complains about a buffer
error when unpacking gems. The Gems software has a workaround for
that problem, but the workaround was only enabled for versions of ZLib
1.2.1 or earlier. We have received several reports of the error
occuring with ZLib 1.2.3, so we have permanently enabled the work
around on all versions.
== What is RubyGems?
RubyGems is a package management system for Ruby applications and
libraries. RubyGems one command download makes installing Ruby
software fun and enjoyable again. (Ok, not really.)
Many gems are available for download from the RubyForge site. Browse
the list of gems with a “gem list --remote” command and download what
you need with a simple “gem install ”. RubyGems takes
care of the details of installing, not only the gem you requested, but
also any gems needed by the software you selected.
== How can I get RubyGems?
If you have a recent version of RubyGems (0.8.5 or later), then all
you need to do is:
$ gem update --system (you might need to be admin/root)
(Note: You may have to run the command twice if you have any previosly
installed rubygems-update gems).
If you have an older version of RubyGems installed, then you can still
do it in two steps:
$ gem install rubygems-update (again, might need to be admin/root)
$ update_rubygems (… here too)
If you don’t have any gems install, there is still the pre-gem
approach to getting software … doing it manually:
- DOWNLOAD FROM: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=126
- INSTALL WITH: ruby setup.rb all (you may need admin/root privilege)
== What’s Next
The next big thing on the plate is to integrate the local/remote gem
logic and make the whole thing more consistent.
== Thanks
Major contributors to this release include:
- Jamis B. (for discovering the ZLib problem).
Keep those gems coming!
– Jim & Chad (for the RubyGems team)