Ruby Plugins for GNOME, Gedit, Rhythmbox, Nautilus, Totem,

The Gnome Desktop has interesting applications that can be extended by
plugins written in Python or C. I didn’t find any information about if
is possible to write this plugins in Ruby, too.

I don’t know if these plugins can’t be written in Ruby or other
technical reasons, but we should focus to integrate better Ruby in

Gedit doesn’t recornize RHTML syntax, an icon for .rb files is still
missing, I can’t believe that I’m the one that doesn’t use Mac OS X

On 2007-06-24 19.47.27 +0200, gnomo wrote:

Gedit doesn’t recornize RHTML syntax, an icon for .rb files is still
missing, I can’t believe that I’m the one that doesn’t use Mac OS X

Mike B. removed_email_address@domain.invalid

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On Sun, Jun 24, 2007 at 07:47:27PM +0200, gnomo wrote:

Gedit doesn’t recornize RHTML syntax, an icon for .rb files is still
missing, I can’t believe that I’m the one that doesn’t use Mac OS X

Also note that as soon as gedit, etc are using the new
gtksourceview-1.9.x stuff, highlighting RHTML will be easier/better
because it has support for context aware highlighting (so HTML bits
would be highlighted as HTML, and ruby bits like ruby).



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Am Montag, den 25.06.2007, 21:45 +0200 schrieb gnomo:

what do you think
about the plugins for the gnome desktop written in ruby?


its not directly a GNOME app, but the upcoming version if gimp is
completle scriptable in ruby. Inkscape also suports ruby scripts.

are in plan bindings for nautilus, totem,… ?

specialy for this two i see no sense in scripting support. Good
candidates for scripting are gnumeric and abiword, but AFAIK simply no
one did it for now.


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gnomo wrote:

Thank you for your reply, I already know that links, what do you think
about the plugins for the gnome desktop written in ruby?

are in plan bindings for nautilus, totem,… ?

I started to do some SWIG/ruby bindings for evolution-data-server with
wich I could do some interesting stuff (like sahring calendars via
XMPP). Unfortunately I got burnt be real life workload and studying so
I have it basically stalled. If you are interested I can point you to
the relevant directions.

V. Segui

Thank you for your reply, I already know that links, what do you think
about the plugins for the gnome desktop written in ruby?

are in plan bindings for nautilus, totem,… ?

On Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 12:08:24PM +0200, Vicent S. wrote:

the relevant directions.
How are these bindings different from Revolution, the evolution (data)
bindings for Ruby? [1] Except that the these binding upstream seems
to have stalled even more.



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Paul van Tilburg wrote:

On Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 12:08:24PM +0200, Vicent S. wrote:

the relevant directions.
How are these bindings different from Revolution, the evolution (data)
bindings for Ruby? [1] Except that the these binding upstream seems
to have stalled even more.



Hi Paul,

Sorry for the late reply.

The bindings are autogenrated, wich theoretically means you can
generate bindings easier once you’ve done some basic plumbing (although
IIRC the revolution bindings worked pretty fine). Here is the relevant
direction at

There are some docs on the page also. The bundle is not currently online
anymore, but I can send you the code if you are interested. Just PM at
vseguip at gmail dot com.

V. Segui