I’ve decided to add reCAPTCHA ‘prove you’re not a bot’ to my signup
page, and plan on sprinkling it around in various places when people
want to post to forums, etc. I know I could use the thing that is
already written… but since a simple ‘gem install recaptcha’ does
not work, but instead needs a --source flag, I won’t use it.
I also want to know what my code is doing, so I am writing my own.
In the verify method, I have:
Return nil if it verified, or an error if it did not. If an error
is returned, this should be passed to the next recaptcha request.
def verify_recaptcha(params)
uri = URI.parse(‘http://blackhole.isc.org/verify’)
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.path)
req['User-Agent'] = "eq2guild.flame.org-fetchbot/1.0"
req['Keep-Alive'] = 'no'
req['Connection'] = 'close'
data = {
"privatekey" => '--secret--',
"remoteip" => request.remote_ip,
"challenge" => params[:recaptcha_challenge_field],
"response" => params[:recaptcha_response_field],
req.set_form_data(data, '&')
http = Net::HTTP::new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.open_timeout = 10
http.read_timeout = 10
response = http.start do |http|
if response.code.to_s == "200"
reply = response.body.split("\n")
return nil if reply[0].chomp == 'true'
return reply[1].chomp
This code works fine when I made the URI be the actual captcha
servers. However, I’ve chosen to allow users to simply bypass the
captcha check when the servers cannot be reached. I set the maximum
time the user would have to wait to 10 seconds, and expect to get a
timeout exception.
I call this with:
result = verify_recaptcha(params)
# do nothing to prevent the save
However… I am always getting the exception popped up the stack, and
my application controller bombs:
Timeout::Error in AccountController#signup
execution expired
/usr/pkg/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:54:in open' /usr/pkg/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:564:in
/usr/pkg/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:56:in timeout' /usr/pkg/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:76:in
/usr/pkg/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:564:in connect' /usr/pkg/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:557:in
/usr/pkg/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:546:in start' /home/explorer/proj/svn/flame-svn/eq2guild/trunk/app/controllers/application.rb:83:in
signup' /home/explorer/proj/svn/flame-svn/eq2guild/trunk/app/controllers/application.rb:54:in
Clearly this is not what I expected! I expected to catch the
exception and let my (empty) rescue code take over. I plan on logging
the error there of course, eventually.
Any ideas why I cannot trap this exception?