Engines 2ish / Rails 2.0.1

This is on an app that successfully runs Engines 1.2, and Rails
1.2.6… but ported to Engines 2.0.0-RC1, and Rails 2.0.1.

Added the engines boot.rb line to environment.rb after the existing
boot require. The engines init.rb has not been changed, and sets:
Rails.plugins[:project].code_paths << “app/interests” << “app/
apis” (which can be called via Engine.plugins now… but same
exception is thrown).

init.rb:20:in evaluate_init_rb': You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! (NoMethodError) The error occurred while evaluating nil.code_paths from ./ script/../config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/plugin.rb:79:inevaluate_init_rb’
from /projects/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/
core_ext/kernel/reporting.rb:11:in silence_warnings' from ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/ plugin.rb:75:inevaluate_init_rb’
from ./script/…/config/…/vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/
plugin.rb:39:in load' from /projects/config/../vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/ plugin.rb:77:inload’
from ./script/…/config/…/vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/
plugin/loader.rb:33:in load_plugins' from ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/ plugin/loader.rb:32:ineach’
from ./script/…/config/…/vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/
plugin/loader.rb:32:in load_plugins' ... 30 levels... from /projects/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:496:inrequire’
from /projects/vendor/rails/railties/lib/commands/server.rb:39
from script/server:3:in `require’
from script/server:3

No time to debug at the moment, as this isn’t a priority… but, just
wanted to get this out there if this is a known issue, or anybody has
any suggestions.
Cheers !


Hi Dylan,

yes, I think you actually have to change your init.rb files.

Instead of:

Rails.plugins[:project].code_paths << “app/interests” << “app/


code_paths << “app/interests” << “app/apis”

This is because the Rails plugin loading mechanism has changed a lot.
Contrary to Rails 1.2.x the init.rb file is now evalutated inside of
the Plugin object. The Plugin object is then added to Engines.plugins
after that. So it is not available in Engines.plugins in init.rb. The
cool thing about this change is that you can access all the Plugin
methods from within init.rb now.

Hmm, we probably should put that into some kind of upgrade note. Or
even a rake task that goes through the init.rb files and removes those
bits like Rails.Engines[:name]? But maybe that’s not worth the hassle?

Am 14.12.2007 um 04:50 schrieb Dylan S.:

didn’t expect it! (NoMethodError)
plugin.rb:77:in load' from script/server:3:in require’
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I thoroughly enjoy automation, or at least a deprecation notice to let
know. I’m just trying one of my projects on Rails 2 and Engines haven’t
toyed with it much at all, but default install doesn’t work.

Is there an upgrade script we could manifest? I’m not sure of the exact
updates yet, so I’ll be fishing for a bit.

On Dec 21, 2007 3:14 PM, Nathaniel B. [email protected] wrote:

I thoroughly enjoy automation, or at least a deprecation notice to let ya
know. I’m just trying one of my projects on Rails 2 and Engines haven’t
toyed with it much at all, but default install doesn’t work.

Hence the “ish” part of “2.0 ish”. Alas, some things just aren’t
possible in Rails 2.0, but yes, they should certainly be documented.

I’d rather provide documentation than an upgrade script, and trust
developers to figure out how things apply to their own code.