Rails 2.0, REST Resources, Admin and DRY


I’m doing a blog engine in rails 2. I used the restful resources
approach to create my initial ‘post’ and ‘comment’ models, and it is
working very nice.

However, I’m stuck with two problems, and I want to resolve them with
the “Rails way” :slight_smile:

  • How to disable some verbs from the restful interface?

You know, people should not be able to POST or DELETE on my blog
posts. However, it doesn’t seem pretty to me to go to the
PostController and simply delete those methods, because the routes
still appear and can be called (resulting in a beautiful error). How
should I deal with this? Should I change the methods to return an
error instead?

  • How to make an admin area and keep DRYing?

After creating all my models, I now need an Admin area just to simple
scaffold, creating posts and comment approval. But how do I do this
and keep DRY? On one hand, I want to keep the admin area under the ‘/
admin’ prefix. But on the other hand, I don’t know how can I keep
using the created resources without repeating myself! Please, what is
the “Rails way” of doing this thing?

On the ideal world, I put filters in my resources, limiting the admin
operations to the admin users, and the /admin namespace somewhat maps/
points to those resources instead… Please help me clarifying my
mind :slight_smile:


look here:

you will get a lot of answers.

the tutorial starts here:

On Dec 27, 7:24 am, Ruben F. [email protected] wrote:

scaffold, creating posts and comment approval. But how do I do this


I am in the same boat. “How to make an admin area and keep DRYing”…

Also, I have been looking for something that basically shows all the
stuff you can and should do related to REST and routing (named routes,
nested, namespaces, etc.) with Rails 2.0 and I am coming up empty.

Any insight or links to insight would be deeply appreciated.


Resident M.

On Dec 27, 4:43 am, Bruno R. [email protected] wrote:

I’m doing a blog engine in rails 2. I used the restful resources
PostController and simply delete those methods, because the routes
using the created resources without repeating myself! Please, what is
the “Rails way” of doing this thing?

On the ideal world, I put filters in my resources, limiting the admin
operations to the admin users, and the /admin namespace somewhat maps/
points to those resources instead… Please help me clarifying my
mind :slight_smile:


On 2007/12/27, at 10:43, Bruno R. wrote:

indeed I found! excelent tutorials! thank you!

however, my fears became real… what Akita really do is mannually
copy the resource generated files inside the admin namespace,
efectivly repeating code… goodbye DRI, now I have two pieces of
code to mantain :frowning:

anyway, I learned a lot about rails 2 with those two posts! thank you!



Answer to the second question inlined below:

On Dec 27, 2007 11:24 AM, Ruben F. [email protected] wrote:

  • How to disable some verbs from the restful interface?
    After creating all my models, I now need an Admin area just to simple
    scaffold, creating posts and comment approval. But how do I do this
    and keep DRY? On one hand, I want to keep the admin area under the ‘/
    admin’ prefix. But on the other hand, I don’t know how can I keep
    using the created resources without repeating myself! Please, what is
    the “Rails way” of doing this thing?

On the ideal world, I put filters in my resources, limiting the admin
operations to the admin users, and the /admin namespace somewhat maps/
points to those resources instead… Please help me clarifying my
mind :slight_smile:

You may check the following articles:


I have not yet tried them myself bu they seem to be reasonable. It
would be great it you can try and provide feedback here again.



Ersin Er

On Dec 27, 2007 2:53 PM, Ersin Er [email protected] wrote:

approach to create my initial ‘post’ and ‘comment’ models, and it is
still appear and can be called (resulting in a beautiful error). How
the “Rails way” of doing this thing?

I have not yet tried them myself bu they seem to be reasonable. It
would be great it you can try and provide feedback here again.




Ersin Er

Ersin Er

since you need different urls for different actions you might consider
not to use map.resource and just register the routes to the different
actions using ‘/admin’ when needed.

named route (creates admin_post_url method)

map.admin_post ‘/admin/post/:id’,
:controller=>‘post’ , :action => ‘edit’,
:conditions => { :method => :get }

normal route but with specific method (you might call it with the same
admin_post_url and :method=>‘put’)

map.connect ‘/admin/post/:id’,
:controller=>‘post’ , :action => ‘update’,
:conditions => { :method => :put }

This does not require two controllers. The authentication part you
will have to figure out with some plugin. I have heard of this one:


but have not used yet…

On 27 dez, 15:43, Nathan E. [email protected]

Recently i’m working on a project when i have more than just admin and
normal users, and all the work was made with single controllers for all
features. I use some very usefull techniques, that i will apreciate
criticisms. On this project, not just verbs is allowed/denied, but data
change following the user role.

First, i use before_filters to make access control, based on roles,
categories and functions (at now it’s just C-R-U-D). A migration
all actions on the system (a biggest work, walking through controllers
and identifying true actions…). ACL was made across relationship
roles, functions and tool’s categories, all category have their own
function (CRUD again). The simple exclusion of verbs not work how was
on first email in this tread because links and other things will still
pointing to actions a errors will be raised.

To fix this problems, i just write a smallest plugin, that overwrite
link_to*** helpers, returning “” if the user has no access to the

To test this access restrictions i add useful methods like canCreate? or
canUpdate? to user model.

The biggest problem was change all data on the system based on the
because the logic behind the scenes was very deeply: some roles has
hierarchically restrictions, other roles has no restrictions, etc…

Add to this scenario, the fact that the system need information’s
(the user select specific parent data, and all tree of data bellow this
parent data will be restricted to)!

… for this purpose i work with around_filters and with_scope… An
but usefull code that wraps all the application data.

I speak all this things because i think that this problem is not so
to anti-DRY pattern, or this isn’t about REST in self.
Keep your code clean on real applications that have real roles
is very difficult, and sincerely i think that REST is not so useful on
case. I am not speaking against use REST (i really understand how REST
help us)… The fact is that REST or no REST, the problem was the same
restriction REST based will not help you.

P.S.: just think about edit action! This is called through GET action,
users that can’t update, should not access this action…

On Dec 27, 2007 3:43 PM, Nathan E.
[email protected]

anyway, I learned a lot about rails 2 with those two posts! thank you!


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Everton J. Carpes
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“If art interprets our dreams, the computer executes them in the guise
programs!” - Alan J. Perlis

Did you look at the first one:


This is typically how I have seen it done using a single controller and
views with conditional displays of admin stuff or with routing to admin
views if logged in, etc.

Ruben F. wrote:

On 2007/12/27, at 10:43, Bruno R. wrote:

indeed I found! excelent tutorials! thank you!

however, my fears became real… what Akita really do is mannually
copy the resource generated files inside the admin namespace,
efectivly repeating code… goodbye DRI, now I have two pieces of
code to mantain :frowning:

anyway, I learned a lot about rails 2 with those two posts! thank you!


I am afraid those two links are for old version of Rails and it is not
name space mechanism available in Rails 2.0. You can use:

map.resources :posts

map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|
admin.resources :posts, :has_many => :comments

in Rails 2.0. You can create the admin/posts controller by:

script/generate controller “admin/posts”
exists app/controllers/admin
exists app/helpers/admin
create app/views/admin/posts
create test/functional/admin
create app/controllers/admin/posts_controller.rb
create test/functional/admin/posts_controller_test.rb
create app/helpers/admin/posts_helper.rb

For the public view, deleting the actions that is not allowed is a
solution. You handle the error by using the rescue_from class method
that is
available in Rails 2.0.

Admin section will have its own views that allow the edit, delete and so
where the public views will not have template for those actions.

I would not worry too much about being DRY, some wetness is ok as long
as it
simplifies your code.

On Dec 27, 2007 4:53 AM, Ersin Er [email protected] wrote:

working very nice.
should I deal with this? Should I change the methods to return an


Ersin Er

Free Ruby and Rails Screencasts

I’m just starting a new project and I was interested in how to use admin
areas with namespaces.
I read both articles above, and I think the real deal would be to use 2
controllers, one being with ‘admin’ namespace.
On the views, I think the best way to keep DRY, would be to use probably
some admin layout, and reuse partials from the public views. That’s
possible using the right arguments to render.
Let’s say you’ve got a Product and User models. From within
views/admin/products/index.html.erb one could use < render :partial =>
/products/index > or something like that.

Anyway, the reason for the post is, that I was reading the Rails Guides
(rake doc:guides), and there is this interesting one about routing =>
“Rails routing from the outside in” which explains a whole lot of stuff.
And I came up with this solution (but didn’t test it yet) for the unused
actions on the public controllers and views.

map.with_options(:only => [:index, :show]) do |public|
public.resources :products, :users

map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|
admin.resources :products, :users

I think this can solve the issue, by using 2 controllers.

Darryl Pierce wrote:

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Jose Ferreira
[email protected] wrote:

I’m just starting a new project and I was interested in how to use admin
areas with namespaces.
I read both articles above,

What are the articles you’re referring to in the above? I’m on the
mailing list and don’t see the links you mentioned.

Darryl L. Pierce [email protected]
Visit the Infobahn Offramp: http://mcpierce.multiply.com
“Bury me next to my wife. Nothing too fancy…” - Ulysses S. Grant

It’s easier to see the whole discussion with this link:

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Jose Ferreira
[email protected] wrote:

I’m just starting a new project and I was interested in how to use admin
areas with namespaces.
I read both articles above,

What are the articles you’re referring to in the above? I’m on the
mailing list and don’t see the links you mentioned.

Darryl L. Pierce [email protected]
Visit the Infobahn Offramp: http://mcpierce.multiply.com
“Bury me next to my wife. Nothing too fancy…” - Ulysses S. Grant