Holden H. wrote:
yermej wrote:
On Jan 9, 3:31�pm, Holden H. [email protected] wrote:
These would only work in one specific case. What would this do?
[1, 2, 3].to_h
That’s why I prefer [key, value] pairs, to avoid any ambiguity.
However, a theorical [1,2,3].to_h should give the same error than
Hash[*array] gives:
irb(main):002:0> Hash[*[1,2,3]]
ArgumentError: odd number of arguments for Hash
I disagree. Array#to_hash should work so that hash.to_a.to_hash == hash,
in other words it should create a hash only if it contains key value
array.inject({}) {|ha, (k, v)| ha[k] = v; ha}
There’s absolutely no advantage using inject like this.
h={}; array.each { |k,v| h[k]=v }
Is less code and faster.
ar.to_enum(:each_with_index).inject({}) {|h, (v,k)| h[k]=v;h}
Same here
h={}; array.each_with_index { |k,v| h[k]=v }
Personally I use the following code in my lib:
create a hash from an array with keys and an array with values
you can set default or provide a block just as with Hash::new
def Hash.zip(keys, values, default=nil, &block)
hash = block_given? ? Hash.new(&block) : Hash.new(default)
keys.zip(values) { |k,v| hash[k]=v }
class Array
create a hash from an array of [key,value] tuples
you can set default or provide a block just as with Hash::new
Note: if you use [key, value1, value2, value#], hash[key] will
be [value1, value2, value#]
def to_hash(default=nil, &block)
hash = block_given? ? Hash.new(&block) : Hash.new(default)
each { |(key, *value)| hash[key]=*value }