I found an example (http://www.betweentherails.com/rake/) of passing
arguments to a rake task in the new (0.8.n) version of rake. From this
example, I created the following test:
namespace :foo do
desc ‘lol’
task :bar, :num do |t, args|
puts “num = #{args.num}”
I took a look at the task list:
$ rake --tasks
(in /path/to/my/dir)
rake foo:bar[num] # lol
On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 05:39:57AM +0900, Reacher wrote:
All looks well … until I try to run it:
$ rake foo:bar[123]
rake: No match
Try this instead:
$ rake ‘foo:bar[123]’
FWIW, you can also embed arguments in the task name, which makes the
command line cleaner. This is yucky in its own special way.
$ cat rakefile
foo_task_pat = /^foo(\w+)$/
make_foo_dep_name =
proc do |taskname|
“foo/#{taskname[foo_task_pat, 1]}”
rule foo_task_pat => make_foo_dep_name do |t|
puts “handling rule for #{t.name.inspect}”
directory “foo”
file “foo/bar” => “foo” do
system “touch foo/bar”
$ rm -rf foo
$ rake foobar
(in /home/vjoel/ruby/misc/rake/args)
handling rule for “foobar”
$ ls foo
rab://tmp $ cat Rakefile
namespace :foo do
desc ‘lol’
task :bar, :num do |t, args|
puts “num = #{args.num}”
rab://tmp $ rake foo:bar[123]
(in /private/tmp)
num = 123
When I got my first real job programming, I had no experience with
*NIX … at all. The shell we worked in was tcsh. Currently, everyone
in our office uses ksh, but I’ve been slow to conform, since I’m used
to tcsh and it’s few but handy niceties. I think the results of this
thread may be the poke needed to move to bash.
Currently, everyone
in our office uses ksh, but I’ve been slow to conform, since I’m used
to tcsh and it’s few but handy niceties. I think the results of this
thread may be the poke needed to move to bash.
Skip bash and go to straight to zsh. You won’t regret it.
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