I found a few issues relating to the admin JavaScript file move in
Radiant 0.6.6.
When upgrading an existing project, the new JS files are added to
public/javascripts/admin/ as expected, but their old equivalents inside
public/javascripts/ are not removed.
Removing these files OR creating a new project causes a JS error on the
main /admin/pages screen:
admin.js (line 2)
SiteMap is not defined
when(‘site-map’, function(table) { new SiteMap(table) });
This problem prevents the +/- icons along the page tree from working.
Adding back the old (or new) sitemap.js file to public/javascripts/
solves this problem.
Are you using shards? The sitemap issue has not been resolved yet in
shards, IIRC.
Sean C. wrote:
Are you using shards? The sitemap issue has not been resolved yet in
shards, IIRC.
Yes I am, so that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up Sean.
David P. wrote:
I found a few issues relating to the admin JavaScript file move in
Radiant 0.6.6.
This problem prevents the +/- icons along the page tree from working.
Adding back the old (or new) sitemap.js file to public/javascripts/
solves this problem.
An alternate solution for people using Radiant 0.6.6 and Shards…
Change the first line to…
<% include_javascript ‘admin/sitemap’ -%>