Hello ,
I have problems with my code for XOR calcul :
a = [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]
b = ["101101", "101100", "110011", "000111", "010110"]
# good result : 000001, 011010,101000, 001010,110000
# false result : ["000001", "000000", "011111", "101011", "111010"]
=> output with this code
# Why ? Because he spends that time with respect b[i].lenght ( = 6
generally ) that prevents take in this case the element 7 and 8 of “a”.
# works in case a.length <b [x]. length
# How to resolv this problem ?
i = j = x = 0
c = []
d = []
f = []
5.times { |x| c.push b[x].split(’’) }
5.times { |i|
e = c[i].length
e.times { |j| d.push(a[j % 7].to_i ^ c[i][j].to_i) }
f.push d
d = []
puts "Résultat brute: "
p f
z = f.length
z.times { |h| f[h] = f[h].join("")}
puts "Résultats :"
p f
In this case :
a = [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]
b = ["101101", "101100", "110011", "000111", "010110"]
After splitting
b : [["1","0","1","1","0","1"], ["1","0","1","1","0","0"],
[“0”,“0”,“0”,“1”,“1”,“1”], [“0”,“1”,“0”,“1”,“1”,“0”]]
But a.length => 7
and b[x].length =>6
In this code, the xor calcul is performed with only 6 elements in a on
So the calculation is performed here:
a[0] ^ b[0][0] ; a[1] ^ b[0][1] ; a[2] ^ b[0][2] ; a[3] ^ b[0][3] ;
a[4] ^ b[0][4] ; a[5] ^ b[0][5] ;
a[0] ^ b[1][0] ; a[1] ^ b[1][1] ; a[2] ^ b[1][2] ; a[3] ^ b[1][3] ;
a[4] ^ b[1][4] ; a[5] ^ b[1][5] ;
a[0] ^ b[2][0] ; a[1] ^ b[2][1] ; a[2] ^ b[2][2] ; a[3] ^ b[2][3] ;
a[4] ^ b[2][4] ; a[5] ^ b[2][5] ;
a[0] ^ b[3][0] ; a[1] ^ b[3][1] ; a[2] ^ b[3][2] ; a[3] ^ b[3][3] ;
a[4] ^ b[3][4] ; a[5] ^ b[3][5] ;
a[0] ^ b[4][0] ; a[1] ^ b[4][1] ; a[2] ^ b[4][2] ; a[3] ^ b[4][3] ;
a[4] ^ b[4][4] ; a[5] ^ b[4][5] ;
is never use.
and the calculation should be done:
a[0] ^ b[0][0] ; a[1] ^ b[0][1] ; a[2] ^ b[0][2] ; a[3] ^ b[0][3] ;
a[4] ^ b[0][4] ; a[5] ^ b[0][5] ;
a[6] ^ b[1][0] ; a[0] ^ b[1][1] ; a[1] ^ b[1][2] ; a[2] ^ b[1][3] ;
a[3] ^ b[1][4] ; a[4] ^ b[1][5] ;
a[5] ^ b[2][0] ; a[6] ^ b[2][1] ; a[0] ^ b[2][2] ; a[1] ^ b[2][3] ;
a[2] ^ b[2][4] ; a[3] ^ b[2][5] ;
a[4] ^ b[3][0] ; a[5] ^ b[3][1] ; a[6] ^ b[3][2] ; a[0] ^ b[3][3] ;
a[1] ^ b[3][4] ; a[2] ^ b[3][5] ;
a[3] ^ b[4][0] ; a[4] ^ b[4][1] ; a[5] ^ b[4][2] ; a[6] ^ b[4][3] ;
a[0] ^ b[4][4] ; a[1] ^ b[4][5] ;
I want to make the right calculation of course but I do not see how to
How to use a[6] as above ?