Cucumber 0.1.9, Rails 2.2.0RC1, Ruby 1.8.6, Webrat… etc.
Here is the scenario:
Scenario: Attempt to ADD a VALID entity
Given I am on the new entity page
When I fill in “Common Name” with “My Common Name”
And I to select “CORP” from the list labelled “Legal
And I fill in “Full Legal Name” with "My Full Legal Name"e
And I press “Create”
Then I should see “was successfully created”
What is the correct syntax to test selecting from a range of values
present in an input box? I have tried several variants of “select x
y” and I have tried to match the syntax of webrat to cucumber but
I do seems to work as I anticipate. Do I have to write my own step for
this sort of thing? The “fill in” syntax seems to find a generated
because I certainly have not written one for it. I so,. should not all
the input methods do likewise?
Guidance will be greatly appreciated.
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James B. Byrne mailto:[email protected]
Harte & Lyne Limited
9 Brockley Drive vox: +1 905 561 1241
Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757
Canada L8E 3C3