Today I’m proud to release Bacon 1.1.
- November 30th, 2008: Third public release 1.1.
- Nested before/after.
- Add -Q/–no-backtraces to not show details about failed
specifications. - Add Knock output.
- Bug fixes.
= Bacon – small RSpec clone.
“Truth will sooner come out from error than from confusion.”
—Francis Bacon
Bacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC but
nevertheless providing all essential features.
== Whirl-wind tour
require 'bacon'
describe 'A new array' do
before do
@ary = Array.new
it 'should be empty' do
@ary.should.not.include 1
it 'should have zero size' do
@ary.size.should.equal 0
@ary.size.should.be.close 0.1, 0.5
it 'should raise on trying fetch any index' do
lambda { @ary.fetch 0 }.
message.should.match(/out of array/)
# Alternatively:
should.raise(IndexError) { @ary.fetch 0 }
it 'should have an object identity' do
@ary.should.not.be.same_as Array.new
# Custom assertions are trivial to do, they are lambdas returning
# boolean vale:
palindrome = lambda { |obj| obj == obj.reverse }
it ‘should be a palindrome’ do
@ary.should.be.a palindrome
it 'should have super powers' do
should.flunk "no super powers found"
Now run it:
$ bacon whirlwind.rb
A new array
- should be empty
- should have zero size
- should raise on trying fetch any index
- should have an object identity
- should be a palindrome
- should have super powers [FAILED]
Bacon::Error: no super powers found
./whirlwind.rb:39: A new array - should have super powers
6 specifications (9 requirements), 1 failures, 0 errors
If you want shorter output, use the Test::Unit format:
$ bacon -q whirlwind.rb
Bacon::Error: no super powers found
./whirlwind.rb:39: A new array - should have super powers
6 tests, 9 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
It also supports TAP:
$ bacon -p whirlwind.rb
ok 1 - should be empty
ok 2 - should have zero size
ok 3 - should raise on trying fetch any index
ok 4 - should have an object identity
ok 5 - should be a palindrome
not ok 6 - should have super powers: FAILED
# Bacon::Error: no super powers found
# ./whirlwind.rb:39: A new array - should have super powers
# ./whirlwind.rb:38
# ./whirlwind.rb:3
# 6 tests, 9 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
$ bacon -p whirlwind.rb | taptap -q
Tests took 0.00 seconds.
FAILED tests 6
6) should have super powers: FAILED
Failed 1/6 tests, 83.33% okay.
(taptap is available from Index of /repos/taptap/)
As of Bacon 1.1, it also supports Knock:
$ bacon -k whirlwind.rb
ok - should be empty
ok - should have zero size
ok - should raise on trying fetch any index
ok - should have an object identity
ok - should be a palindrome
not ok - should have super powers: FAILED
# Bacon::Error: no super powers found
# ./whirlwind.rb:39: A new array - should have super powers
# ./whirlwind.rb:38
# ./whirlwind.rb:3
$ bacon -k whirlwind.rb | kn-sum
6 tests, 1 failed (83.3333% succeeded)
(knock is available from GitHub - leahneukirchen/knock: Knock is a simplification of the Test Anything Protocol used by Perl and others.)
== Implemented assertions
- should. and should.be.
- should.equal
- should.match
- should.be.identical_to / should.be.same_as
- should.raise(*exceptions) { }
- should.change { }
- should.throw(symbol) { }
- should.satisfy { |object| }
== Added core predicates
- Object#true?
- Object#false?
- Proc#change?
- Proc#raise?
- Proc#throw?
- Numeric#close?
[… for more documentation see README …]
== Where can I get it?
You can download Bacon 1.0 at
Alternatively, you can checkout from the development repository at:
(Patches rebased on HEAD are most welcome.)
== Installing with RubyGems
A Gem of Bacon is available. You can install it with:
gem install bacon
I also provide a local mirror of the gems (and development snapshots)
at my site:
gem install bacon --source http://chneukirchen.org/releases/gems
== Thanks to
- Michael F., for fixing Bacon for 1.9 and various improvements.
- Gabriele Renzi, for implementing Context#should.
- James T., for the autotest support.
- Yossef M., for nested contexts.
- everyone contributing bug fixes.
== History
January 7, 2008: First public release 0.9.
July 6th, 2008: Second public release 1.0.
- Add Context#should as a shortcut for Context#it('should ’ + _).
- describe now supports multiple arguments for better organization.
- Empty specifications are now erroneous.
- after-blocks run in the case of exceptions too.
- Autotest support.
- Bug fixes.
November 30th, 2008: Third public release 1.1.
- Nested before/after.
- Add -Q/–no-backtraces to not show details about failed
specifications. - Add Knock output.
- Bug fixes.
== Contact
Please mail bugs, suggestions and patches to
Git repository (patches rebased on HEAD are most welcome):
== Copying
Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Christian N.
<InfoPage of Leah Neukirchen -- leah2>
Bacon is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
See COPYING or The MIT License – Open Source Initiative.
== Links
Behavior-Driven Development:: http://behaviour-driven.org/
RSpec:: http://rspec.rubyforge.org/
test/spec:: http://test-spec.rubyforge.org/
Christian N.:: http://chneukirchen.org/
Happy hacking and have a nice day,
Christian N.