I am trying to develop code from the feature on down.
So I created a brand new rails app. It has no models yet. I wrote a
Feature: Add tasks
In order to track website improvements
a user
wants to add tasks
Scenario: User adds task
Given task “Display Group Rules” does not exist
When I visit “/tasks/new”
And I fill in “Name” with “Display Group Rules”
And I fill in “Description” with “Displays links to edit each group
And I fill in “CAS Link” with “GroupRulesManager/”
And I press “Submit”
Then I should end up on the Tasks page
And I should see “Task successfully added”
And the task “Display Group Rules” should exist
I then run:
rake db:migrate (this creates my development SQLite3 database)
rake db:test:prepare (this creates my development SQLite3 database)
rake features (outputs the following:)
Feature: Add tasks # features/manage_task.feature
In order to track website improvements
a user
wants to add tasks
Scenario: User adds task
Given task “Display Group Rules” does not exist
When I visit “/tasks/new”
And I fill in “Name” with “Display Group Rules”
And I fill in “Description” with “Displays links to edit each group
And I fill in “CAS Link” with “GroupRulesManager/”
And I press “Submit”
Then I should end up on the Tasks page
And I should see “Task successfully added”
And the task “Display Group Rules” should exist
5 steps skipped
4 steps pending
You can use these snippets to implement pending steps:
Given /^task “Display Group Rules” does not exist$/ do
When /^I visit “/tasks/new”$/ do
Then /^I should end up on the Tasks page$/ do
Then /^the task “Display Group Rules” should exist$/ do
My question is where to go from here. Do I implement the four pending
Given /^task “(.+)” does not exist$/ do |name|
task = Task.find_by_name(name)
task.destroy if task
Or do I run:
./script/generate scaffold_resource task name:string description:text
and the rake rspec and fix whatever errors show up there?
What are your thoughts? TIA