Disqus Gem; creating new threads

Hey everyone,

I need a bit of help with the Disqus gem. I can’t seem to create new
threads. Just to test it out, I tried to create a thread in the

Disqus::Api.thread_by_identifier(:forum_api_key => “the api key of the forum i want to post this comment in”, :identifier => “some nutty one”, :title => “test title”)
TypeError: can’t convert Net::HTTPMovedPermanently into String
initialize' from /home/ramon/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/json-1.1.3/lib/json/common.rb:122:in new’
parse' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/norman-disqus-1.0.1/lib/disqus/api.rb:188:in thread_by_identifier’
from (irb):1

I did some reading to see what the problem might be here, and it is
possible that it’s because the browser sends a bunch of other stuff
that the server needs. So I tried to curl it instead:

curl -d

When I press enter, nothing happens. I checked my forum, and don’t
see any new threads.

What should I do?

Ramon T.

Okay I did more playing around, got the curl to work by wrapping the
URL with quotes :s

Now I know the API works (yes, I got to that point), I still need to
figure out why I can’t do it in the console… unless I really am not
supposed to be able to do it on the console.

Ramon T.

Spent more time testing it out… and I manually typed out the code
that thread_by_identifier is composed of. Apparently, the gem was
missing a “/” at the end of the api URL – it should be
http://disqus.com/thread_by_identifier/”. I will send a bug report :slight_smile:

I tried to fork and fix it myself but I realized I have no clue. I
asked around as well on rubyonrails but got no answer :stuck_out_tongue: I guess it’s
building only simple gems for me now.

Ramon T.