Changes with nginx 0.7.59 25 May
*) Feature: the "proxy_cache_methods" and "fastcgi_cache_methods"
*) Bugfix: socket leak; the bug had appeared in 0.7.25.
Thanks to Maxim D..
*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault occurred in worker process,
if a request had no body and the $request_body variable was used;
the bug had appeared in 0.7.58.
*) Bugfix: the SSL modules might not built on Solaris and Linux;
the bug had appeared in 0.7.58.
*) Bugfix: ngx_http_xslt_filter_module responses were not handled by
SSI, charset, and gzip filters.
*) Bugfix: a "charset" directive did not set a charset to
ngx_http_gzip_static_module responses.
The 0.7.x version status is changed to stable.
While 0.7.x version development the following features appreared:
*) caching of proxied and FastCGI servers;
*) "try_files" directive;
*) the "location" and "server_name" directives support captures
in regular expressions;
*) XLST and image filters;
*) a preliminary IPv6 support;
*) nginx/Windows.
Congratulations on reaching the 0.7.x stable milestone. Thanks again
for your continuing efforts to make Nginx an outstanding web server.
Great news! Thank u for the hard works.
What’s your plan for 0.8.x ?
2009/5/25 Igor S. removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Hi Igor,
-----Original Message-----
From: Igor S. [mailto:removed_email_address@domain.invalid]
Posted At: Monday, May 25, 2009 7:28 AM
Posted To: gmane.comp.web.nginx.english
Conversation: nginx-0.7.59
Subject: nginx-0.7.59
Changes with nginx 0.7.59 25
*) Feature: the "proxy_cache_methods" and "fastcgi_cache_methods"
I cannot find into Russian documentation an example of those directives.
Thanks for posting a link.
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 02:08:50PM -0400, Floren M. wrote:
*) Feature: the "proxy_cache_methods" and "fastcgi_cache_methods"
I cannot find into Russian documentation an example of those directives.
Thanks for posting a link.
There is still no Russian documentation of these directives.
These directives allows to cache POST methods.
proxy_cache_methods [GET HEAD POST];
proxy_cache_methods GET HEAD;
GET/HEAD is syntax sugar, i.e. you can not disable GET/HEAD even
if you set just
proxy_cache_methods POST;
Could you say something more about the socket leak? When exactly does it
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 05:18:25PM -0500, Resicow wrote:
Hi Igor,
Currently I am using proxy_cache, but have a question on how nginx
handles range requests for a file that is not currently in cache. Will
nginx simply proxy the file and not cache it, or download the entire
file into cache, but just serve the range request to the client.
nginx gets the entire file and returns the range to the client.
There is issue with multiple ranges in one request (although this is
rare case, as I know only Acrobat Reader does such requests).
For the first request when response would be cached, nginx is able
to serve only first range of the request. But with already cached
nginx is able to serve all ranges of the request.
Hi Igor,
Currently I am using proxy_cache, but have a question on how nginx
handles range requests for a file that is not currently in cache. Will
nginx simply proxy the file and not cache it, or download the entire
file into cache, but just serve the range request to the client.
Congrats on 0.7.59, and keep up the great work!
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:05:58AM +0200, Michał Jaszczyk wrote:
Could you say something more about the socket leak? When exactly does it occur?
Here description of patch I’ve posted a while ago (on russian
mailing list, but there was at least link in english list as well):
[cut here]
Fix connection leak under some specific conditions.
Return code of ngx_http_output_filter() wasn’t correctly checked in
ngx_http_writer() function. This resulted in incorrect processing of
connections closed prematurely by clients - these connections were
closed due to timeouts (and hence higher numbers of ‘Writing’
were observed in stub_status module compared to previous versions), and
sometimes permanently leaked.
Since the issue is racy it’s hard to reproduce it without accept filters
used. Though it’s relatively easy too with
listen ... accept_filter=httpready;
sendfile_max_chunk 16k;
by requesting big file and closing client connection immediately.
The bug had appeared in 0.7.25.
[cut here]
I belive it can be also reproduced with limit_rate used, but I’ve
never checked.
Maxim D.
Igor S. wrote:
the bug had appeared in 0.7.58.
Hi Igor,
Congrats for the stable status.
Does it mean this version will make its way into Debian stable (lenny)
repositories soon ?
Or is this the maintener’s (Jose Parrella & Fabio Tranchitella) choice ?
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:05:58AM +0200, Micha?? Jaszczyk wrote:
Could you say something more about the socket leak? When exactly does it occur?
See English comment in
El Tue, May 26, 2009 at 02:20:23PM +0200, Michael Baudino va escriure:
Congrats for the stable status.
Does it mean this version will make its way into Debian stable (lenny)
repositories soon ?
Or is this the maintener’s (Jose Parrella & Fabio Tranchitella) choice ?
Unless something really strange happens it will never go into the
Debian Lenny repositories.
On stable Debian releases packages are only updated for security or
functionality bugs and the norm is to update the package version
the changes (i.e. if the Lenny nginx package is 0.6.32-3 and a security
bug is
found and fixed on upstream version 0.6.38 the debian security update
will be
based on upstream 0.6.32 with the security fix taken from the upstream
version, but without the rest of changes done upstream).
The idea behind this policy is that stable means stable and there should
be ABI, API or functionality changes on stable Debian releases if
possible to
avoid new bugs and/or regressions.
Anyway that does not mean that you can’t install newer version of nginx
Debian Lenny, it just means that you have to do extra work and know what
are doing.
If you don’t plan to maintain your own packages the most common option
is to
use, a service run by Debian Developers that
newer versions of some packages recompiled for the stable distribution.
As for nginx, you can see the list of available nginx packages on:
Debian -- Package Search Results -- nginx
If you want to have the latest version the way to go is:
report a wishlist bug asking the maintainers to upload the new version
unstable if there is none,
once the package is available on testing/unstable ask someone to
upload it
to backports (the official maintainers are a good option, as they only
to recompile and upload their own package)
Probably it seems that you need to do a lot of things, but the truth is
a lot of times when you want updates of server programs like nginx you
them on backports without doing anything… but you can always help to
make it
happen faster… 
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 02:20:23PM +0200, Michael Baudino wrote:
if a request had no body and the $request_body variable was used;
*) nginx/Windows.
Hi Igor,
Congrats for the stable status.
Does it mean this version will make its way into Debian stable (lenny)
repositories soon ?
Or is this the maintener’s (Jose Parrella & Fabio Tranchitella) choice ?
This is maintener’s choice.
its my first time with nginx, but i love this small fast and great
webserver… big respect to you igor… 
but i have a question how i upgrade to the new version?.. i have a
debian lenny…
thanks in advance
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