Problem installing new module

Hi All,

I am new to GNURadio. I am having trouble installing new module in the

I have successfully installed the GNURadio at location


When i try to install the new module, I follow the following steps.

  1. ./bootstrap
  2. ./configure
  3. make check

After make check I get following error

ERROR: test_001_sink_ff (main.qa_goodney)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./”, line 42, in test_001_sink_ff ()
line 103, in run
line 97, in start
line 1455, in start
return _gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.gr_top_block_sptr_start(self)
RuntimeError: unable to resolve input endpoint sink_ff(0):0

Am I missing something?


I am running MAC OS 10.5

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 00:41, Sagar K. [email protected]

RuntimeError: unable to resolve input endpoint sink_ff(0):0

The runtime doesn’t like a reference you are passing to a ‘connect’
call. Check what you are putting in the connect call that you are
wiring to ‘sink_ff’ input 0. It should be a properly instantiated gr
block or hierarchical block.


The exact same code works on two other machines, both running OSX 10.5.
sink is a locally created modules, so it is entirely possible that there
something missing in the instantiation that is being caught on only on
machine and not at others (for what reason I cannot fathom).

As an aside, another thing that might be helpful is that my python
installation is partially broken: I have to move the installed .so .la
(as well as the python files) ouput from a make install from the
/usr/local/lib onto the python script directory (as found during the
configure step)

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 7:39 AM, Johnathan C. <

On Mar 5, 2010, at 5:24 PM, Sagar K. wrote:

The exact same code works on two other machines, both running OSX
10.5. The sink is a locally created modules, so it is entirely
possible that there is something missing in the instantiation that
is being caught on only on my machine and not at others (for what
reason I cannot fathom).

On my agenda to try out some of my blocks on 10.6 to see if they work
(they do on 10.5). That said, I don’t have a sink or source block,
just “through” blocks. Hence, it might be a source / sink issue, or
it might be some odd change to 10.6. I’ll try to get to this next week.

As an aside, another thing that might be helpful is that my python
installation is partially broken: I have to move the
installed .so .la files (as well as the python files) ouput from a
make install from the /usr/local/lib onto the python script
directory (as found during the configure step) /opt/local/Library/

Moving these files should not be necessary if PYTHONPATH is set
correctly. That said, moving them around shouldn’t cause issues in
any direct sense (they’re just shared libraries) … but if this
Python is installed oddly, or partially broken, then you probably want
to fix this issue before trying to correct other related issues. Just
my advice on debugging. - MLD

Hi all,

The same error I am also getting for the basic

ERROR: test_001_square_ff (main.qa_howto)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./”, line 42, in test_001_square_ff ()
line 103, in run
line 97, in start
line 1455, in start
return _gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.gr_top_block_sptr_start(self)
RuntimeError: unable to resolve input endpoint square_ff(0):0

ERROR: test_002_square2_ff (main.qa_howto)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./”, line 54, in test_002_square2_ff ()
line 103, in run
line 97, in start
line 1455, in start
return _gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.gr_top_block_sptr_start(self)
RuntimeError: unable to resolve input endpoint square2_ff(1):0

Ran 2 tests in 0.059s

FAILED (errors=2)
FAIL: run_tests

1 of 1 test failed

make[3]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
make[2]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

So I think its more of configuration issue specific to my machine (MAC
10.5). GNURadio works perfectly. Only when I try to add new block, I get
same error… I am stuck… Any help will be appreciated.


On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 7:39 AM, Johnathan C. <

Sagar resolved this issue off-list, without my help but with some good
discussion. That said, I got curious about what might be going one,
and after some hacking around on my Mac’s installs of GNU Radio I
think the issue is that you have multiple versions installed and this
particular “howto” is linking with the incorrect version. For
example, suppose I have GNU Radio installed by MacPorts into /opt/
local, and from GIT into /usr/local . I’ve setup my shell environment
variables choose /opt/local first, so when I configure and build
“howto” from GIT it all works just fine, but using the “framework”
from 3.2.2 (since that’s what MacPorts currently installs). But “make
check” fails in exactly the way you found.

If I then do:

sudo port deactivate gnuradio-core
make check

then it all works correctly (*), using just the GIT-installed
“framework” in /opt/local . I can’t explain why “make check” would
fail under these circumstances, since the python QA code hasn’t
changed (in functionality, just names for the imported module) – just
the structure of where the files are located. Maybe someone else has
a clue? - MLD

(*) ‘’ needs to be fixes to work for Mac OS X: since the
files were separated out into multiple subdirectories (to allow for
disabling SWIG/Python), the file now needs to know the library search
path (via DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, as also done in the main GNU Radio file). Probably needs a similar fix for Windows
users, if anyone is testing that these days.