HABTM and extra attributes


How would I implement a system where on the bridging table used for a
“has and belongs to many” relationship between two tables there are
extra attributes (like a text field).

I am looking for a way in my view that I can easily access these extra

I have looked at the tutorial at

This was great. I just need to go one step further and have a text box
as well for each check box, and have the contents of the text box saved
in the bridging table.

Thanks for any suggestions,

I’m struggling with the same issue as well. Although it’s been
brought up several times on the mailing list, I haven’t yet seen an
elegant solution that fits all cases.

I’m using Postgres as the DB - one approach I’m considering is to use
updateable views, or rather simulate updateable views using a
combination of a CREATE VIEW and multiple CREATE RULEs. Then I could
just create a model to link to the view, and (hopefully) drive the
model as per normal to insert/delete/update rows in the view, which
would then (via Postgres rules) make the appropriate changes to the
relevant underlying tables.

For a reference on this that’s specific to Postgres, look at:

If you read through both these links, you’ll find info on how to build
updateable views.

I haven’t tried this yet (I’m pondering the “elegance” of the
solution, as I’m fairly confident I can get it to work OK), but if I
don’t hear of a better solution I’ll probably go with this.

Good luck


Dave M.

is this what you are trying to do?

<% @foo.bars.each do |bar| %>
<%= bar.extra_field_from_join_table %>
<% end %>

Doesn’t work for me - I get an error along the lines of
‘extra_field_from_join_table’ is a missing method…

If it works for you, could you please share how you’ve got your models

Dave M.

ok, using the authors/books example

class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :books

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :authors

join table is authors_books with an extra field called “read_at” which
is a
datetime column

book = Book.create(:title => “The Life of Foobars”)
bob = Author.new(:name => “bob”)
bill = Author.new(:name => "bill)

book.authors.push_with_attributes(bob, :read_at => Time.now)
book.authors.push_with_attributes(bill, :read_at => Time.now)

so now we’ve created the associations between books and authors

if you do:

book = Book.find(1)
book.authors.each { |a| puts a.read_at }

you get what i described in my previous reply…but if you do:

book = Book.find(1, :include => :authors)
book.authors.each { |a| puts a.read_at }

you get NoMethodError as read_at was not included in the author objects

the generated SQL from the first example is:

SELECT * FROM books WHERE (books.id = 1) LIMIT 1
SELECT * FROM authors LEFT JOIN authors_books ON authors.id =
authors_books.author_id WHERE (authors_books.book_id = 1 )

and the second example is:

SELECT authors.id AS t1_r0, authors.name AS t1_r1, books.id AS t0_r0,
books.title AS t0_r1 FROM books LEFT OUTER JOIN authors_books ON
authors_books.book_id = books.id LEFT OUTER JOIN authors ON
authors_books.author_id = authors.id WHERE (books.id = 1)

so i guess if you want to access the extra fields, you’ll have to go
the first example.

I’ll ask on the list if this is the expected behavior.

On 11/30/05, David M. [email protected] wrote:

Doesn’t work for me - I get an error along the lines of
‘extra_field_from_join_table’ is a missing method…

If it works for you, could you please share how you’ve got your models

Dave M.

just found in documentation for eager loading:

It’s currently not possible to use eager loading on multiple
from the same table. Eager loading will also not pull additional
on join tables, so “rich associations” with
not a good fit for eager loading.

Thanks Chris,

This seems to do what I was needing.

Now I’ll try to turn it into a wiki document so others can work out
how to do the same thing …


Dave M.

monch1962 wrote:

Thanks Chris,

This seems to do what I was needing.

Now I’ll try to turn it into a wiki document so others can work out
how to do the same thing …


Dave M.

Just wanted to quickly let you know that there are a few shortcomings of
this method. In many cases, I’ve found it better to just create another
model for the join table when there are additional fields. (in fact, in
all cases in my app)

One is the eager loading that you’ve already mentioned. Another is that
when you do an ‘include’ on these relationships, you lose the additional
fields. (at least in my experience – no one posted that this is a bug
or that it isn’t) See:



I’ve also thought about eager loading the join table in habtm but
without a
seperate ActiveRecord model for the join table where would the
fields be eager loaded too? I think habtm is just not intended to do

  • Peter

On 11/28/05, Richard [email protected] wrote:

Peak Obsession

This was great. I just need to go one step further and have a text box
as well for each check box, and have the contents of the text box saved
in the bridging table.

Can’t you do something like

class User < AR
has_many :registrations

class Registration < AR
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :event

class Event < AR
has_many :registrations

Where a user can register for one or more events. And then your
Registration model can have as much stuff as it needs (i.e. time
registered and other registration-specific data).

On 12/2/05, Joe Van D. [email protected] wrote:

class Event < AR
has_many :registrations

Where a user can register for one or more events. And then your
Registration model can have as much stuff as it needs (i.e. time
registered and other registration-specific data).

Imagine that Users contains 200 people working in an office building,
and Events is a list of office functions (e.g. Xmas party), for
argument’s sake.

On the one Web page, for a specific Event, I want to list all the
people that have registered for that event, with the date/time they
registered (from the Registrations table), as well as all the people
that haven’t registered, with a link that can be clicked to register
them. (Ignore the fact that I’d probably want some cool Ajax-y stuff
to auto-update the page when someone registers, and any requirement
for security).

This strikes me as a pretty typical, not-exceptionally-complex
requirement for a (hypothetical but somewhat useful) application. I
would expect Rails, with its focus on simplicity, speed & agility, to
eat this sort of requirement for breakfast…

Unfortunately, if I don’t use the HABTM-based approach that Chris
outlined earlier in this thread with his Authors/Books example to
retrieve data from the Registrations table, I can’t think of another
way of doing this without resorting to ridiculous amounts of code that
will probably be nigh on impossible to support 6 months down the
track. Doing this with 4 has_many and belongs_to relationships (i.e.
Users<->Registrations and Events<->Registrations) in place of 1 HABTM
relationship introduces another level of complexity to the code that
just makes it more difficult to support.

With the current version of Rails, Chris’ approach works just fine in
this scenario, and the code required in the view is fairly
straightforward to write and maintain. Peter’s right in that it just
seems like HABTM isn’t “meant to” support this level of complexity;
I’m concerned that a later Rails update could break it.

If anyone thinks I’m missing something, you’re almost certainly right

  • please speak up.


Dave M.

On 11/30/05, Chris H. [email protected] wrote:

It’s currently not possible to use eager loading on multiple associations
from the same table. Eager loading will also not pull additional attributes
on join tables, so “rich associations” with has_and_belongs_to_many is not a
good fit for eager loading.

There’s a patch that fixes both issues at
http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/1562. This can be turned into a
plugin using the patch to plugin script I posted earlier.

Can someone please give us an experience report using this patch?


With the current version of Rails, Chris’ approach works just fine in
this scenario, and the code required in the view is fairly
straightforward to write and maintain. Peter’s right in that it just
seems like HABTM isn’t “meant to” support this level of complexity;
I’m concerned that a later Rails update could break it.

HABTM is indeed not well suited for complexity. It’s pushing back
because it wants you to discover the implicit model object that’s
missing from the equation. In the author/book example that model is
Authorship. So you would have:

class Author
has_many :authorships

class Book
has_many :authorships

class Authorship
belongs_to :author
belongs_to :book

Now the domain is explicit, but we’re still in a bit of trouble. Since
this pretty domain will force us to write SQL by hand to get
performant access. So you’d probably have:

class Author
has_many :authorships

def books
"SELECT books.* " +
"FROM books, authors, authorships " +
"WHERE authorships.book_id = books.id AND + "
“authorships.author_id = #{id}”

And you would create new relationships by doing

b = Book.create :title => “Agile Web D. with Rails”
david = Author.create :name => “David Heinemeier H.”
dave = Author.create :name => “Dave T.”

{ :book => b, :author => david },
{ :book => b, :author => dave }

Now this is actually a lot less painful than one could imagine. But
its still not painless enough. So we’re currently working on allowing:

class Author
has_many :authorships
has_many :books, :through => :authorships

This would expose both the join model (authorship) and allow
convenient access to the model on the other side of that join model.
One could even imagine:

class Author
has_many :authorships
has_many :books, :through => :authorships
has_many :agents, :through => :authorships

class Authorship
belongs_to :agent
belongs_to :author
belongs_to :book

So if I was having pushback from HABTM today, I would try to discover
which implicit domain model I hadn’t revealed yet. Then I’d spend the
few minutes making the manual accessors for that join model. And I
would then look forward to the day where I could remove my manual
access as :through materializes.

David Heinemeier H.
http://www.loudthinking.com – Broadcasting Brain
http://www.basecamphq.com – Online project management
http://www.backpackit.com – Personal information manager
http://www.rubyonrails.com – Web-application framework

On 12/2/05, David Heinemeier H. [email protected] wrote:

So if I was having pushback from HABTM today, I would try to discover
which implicit domain model I hadn’t revealed yet. Then I’d spend the
few minutes making the manual accessors for that join model. And I
would then look forward to the day where I could remove my manual
access as :through materializes.

Is that a 1.0 feature or post 1.0 feature?

I have something similar, where I have Users, Registrations, Roles,
and TrainingEvents, where Users has_many Registrations and
TrainingEvents has_many Registrations and Roles has_many
Registrations, and Registrations belongs_to each of the others (Users
Register for a Training Event where they can be trained for a specific
Role). And each Registration has an associated ‘program number’ (just
a user-submitted string).

And, right now, I have something like

class TrainingEvent < AR
def register_a_user user, program_number, role
# Logic here that makes sure that a user can register for this
event and this role
registration = Registration.new
registration.program_number = program_number
registration.role = role
registration.user = user
registration.training_event = self

Seems to work ok. Is that the best way of doing it?


Is that a 1.0 feature or post 1.0 feature?

Post 1.0. I’m actually working on it right now, but 1.0 has been in
feature freeze for a good while now. So this would be a 1.1 feature.

Seems to work ok. Is that the best way of doing it?

That seems reasonable.

David Heinemeier H.
http://www.loudthinking.com – Broadcasting Brain
http://www.basecamphq.com – Online project management
http://www.backpackit.com – Personal information manager
http://www.rubyonrails.com – Web-application framework

Hi David,

Will :through be able to associate more than just one join table away in
model structure? Something like the last two associtaions in A in this

class A < ActiveRecord::base
has_many :as_bs
has_many :bs, :through => :as_b
has_many :bs_cs, :through => [:as_b, :bs]
has_many :cs, :through => [:as_b, :b, :bs_c]

class AsB < ActiveRecord::base
belongs_to :a
belongs_to :b

class B < ActiveRecord::base
has_many :as_bs
has_many :bs_cs

class BsC < ActiveRecord::base
belongs_to :b
belongs_to :c

class C < ActiveRecord::base
has_many: bs_cs


In the author/book example that model is
Authorship. So you would have:

To follow up on that example. Would you be able to do?:

david.books << awrd

Answer: No. Because if you only want to have the join model represent
the join, then you don’t need an explicit join model and HABTM is

You would instead do something like:

david.authorships.create :book => awrd, :published_on =>
Date.new(2005, 9, 1)

That would be a sensible use of join models since there are additional
attributes. And you would now be able to do both:

david.books.first # => awrd
david.authorships.first.book # => awrd

David Heinemeier H.
http://www.loudthinking.com – Broadcasting Brain
http://www.basecamphq.com – Online project management
http://www.backpackit.com – Personal information manager
http://www.rubyonrails.com – Web-application framework