What Is "init 1" And How Do I Stop It

I am a moron.

With that said, I read some google post about trying to get some
privilege to make things easier or something and I typed “init 1” while
ssh’d into my nginx server.

now I can’t login at all I get:

EnvyPro: wish$ ssh [email protected]
ssh: connect to host mysuperhost.com port 22: Connection refused

Can someone please help me I am an idiot and I hav eno idea what that
did or how to fix it. Please just a quick how to fix so I can log back
into my server and fix this site!

ty in advance if anyone can help.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

init 1 takes the system into single user mode. Typically this means
services such as sshd will be terminated, and in fact, may terminate all
networking on some systems.

You’ll have to call your provider and have them restart the system.


Thank you for the quick reply. I rebooted the server and it went back to
normal. So, if init 1 turns off ssh and ftp and all that what doe init 2
do? when would init 1 become useful? if you want to lockdown your

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:49:04PM -0500, wishkah wrote:

Thank you for the quick reply. I rebooted the server and it went back to
normal. So, if init 1 turns off ssh and ftp and all that what doe init 2
do? when would init 1 become useful? if you want to lockdown your

This is not related to nginx. Please find another place to ask.

Maxim D.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:49 PM, wishkah [email protected] wrote:

Thank you for the quick reply. I rebooted the server and it went back to
normal. So, if init 1 turns off ssh and ftp and all that what doe init 2
do? when would init 1 become useful? if you want to lockdown your

Not really the right forum, but - man (8) init.