Sorry about that. Was tired towards the end of the day and therefore a
not so bright post. I owe it to the group to clear things up.
To make a long story short, it was the character encoding problem with
ruby 1.9.2.
The following is a snippet of code from seeds.rb file
courses = [ {:title => ‘Principles of Good Cooking 1’, :course_code =>
:lessons => [{:title => ‘Getting Started’},
{:title => ‘Saut√©ing’,
:topics => [ {:tag => “Lecture”, :title => “Introduction to
:pages => [ {:title => “Video Lecture” }] },
{:tag => “Quiz”, :title => “Test Your Saut√©ing IQ”,
:pages => [ {:title => “Questions” }] },
{:tag => “Taste Test”, :title => “Cooking With Wine”,
:pages => [ {:title => “Introduction”},
{:title => “Instructions”},
{:title => “Taste Wine”},
{:title => “Reduce Wine”},
{:title => “Taste Reduced Wine”},
{:title => “Your Results” },
See that ‘Saut√©ing’, string?
That is Sauteing with funny symbols over e for french. That was causing
rake db:seed command to fail (throw exception) as follows:
→ rake db:seed
(in /Users/bruparel/school)
rake aborted!
/Users/bruparel/school/db/seeds.rb:3: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
/Users/bruparel/school/db/seeds.rb:3: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII)
/Users/bruparel/school/db/seeds.rb:3: syntax error, unexpected $end,
expecting ‘}’
{:title => ‘Sautéing’,
The solution was to put the following line at the top of this file
encoding: utf-8
Now rake db:seed ran fine and indeed populated the tables. I could see
the correct character encoding in the databases (both SQLite3 and
Postgres) but the display was coming out with plain “Sauteing” instead
of the French rendition of “e”, that was because of the following line
in database.yml file.
adapter: sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
encoding: utf8 <— because of this
database: db/atk_school_development
Instead it should be as follows:
adapter: sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
encoding: unicode <— this works
database: db/atk_school_development
If someone can articulate some simple rules for character encoding in
Ruby 1.9.2 p0 and Rails 3.0.1 environment, that will be quite useful.