On Monday 12 December 2005 08:29 pm, Christer N. wrote:
Which GUI lib is the best and which is the most widely used ?
(Necessarily not the same
I’m using Win XP.
I’ve tried wxRuby so far, but would like to get some overview what’s
available before deciding where to put the efforts.
I would prefer a good minimal OO API, with documentation.
Here are comparisons between available toolkits.
The most complete and stable toolkit you’ll find with the better ruby
UTF8 support
API finished
very complete documentation
works on windows, unix, and mac
GUI designer available, Glade2 (link below shows link to glade for
works very well, stable API, complete…
unfortunately qtruby/4 is not on windows yet.
UTF8 support
very complete documentation
GUI designer available, qt designer
Native widgets on each platform
no windows install doc
bindings not complete to ruby, missing classes and methods
works if you want to use just the basic widgets
UTF8 support however
Native widgets on each platform
Its a okay toolkit if you use what fxruby stable is
lacks UTF8 support
the API is not stable, things change often. not fxruby’s fault, its a
toolkit development problem.
draws its own widgets
fox doesn’t contain all the widgets other toolkits have like gtk
very complete, comlplete APIs, everything
bindings are included with ruby, but I don’t think the curt’s ruby
has the tk runtime.
You might want to consider ruby-gtk2, its pretty straight forward and
qtruby/4 is almost there.