[ANN] Rails 1.0: Party like it's one oh oh!

15 months after the first public release, Rails has arrived at the big
1.0. What a journey! We’ve gone through thousands of revisions,
tickets, and patches from hundreds of contributors to get here. I’m
incredibly proud at the core committer team, the community, and the
ecosystem we’ve raised around this framework.

Rails 1.0 is mostly about making all the work we’ve been doing solid.
So it’s not packed with new features over 0.14.x, but has spit,
polish, and long nights applied to iron out kinks and ensure that it
works mostly right, most of the time, for most of the people. Yes, we
still have pending tickets, but we will always have pending tickets.
If I had accepted that fact back in February, we would probably have
been at 2.0 now ;).

Alongside 1.0, we’ve also been working on a new web site, which
premieres today as well. It’s a 37signals-powered redesign that
streamlines and decrufts us into a much cleaner profile that hopefully
will make it even easier for people to get excited and try out Ruby on
Rails. It’s online at www.rubyonrails.org and includes two brand new

So this is a major milestone for Rails, but we’ve not even begun to
think about slowing down. Rails 1.1 is already pretty far along in
development and will see some of the biggest upgrades of any Rails
release. Hopefully some time in February. But in the mean time, enjoy
one oh!

To install Rails 1.0:

gem install rails --include-dependencies

To learn about upgrading a Rails application not already running 0.14.x:

Peak Obsession

The only thing you need to do to upgrade from 0.14.x is update your
Javascripts using “rake update_javascripts”. You’ll be rocking along
with Scriptaculous 1.5 and Prototype 1.4.

Happy 1.0, everyone!

David Heinemeier H.
http://www.loudthinking.com – Broadcasting Brain
http://www.basecamphq.com – Online project management
http://www.backpackit.com – Personal information manager
http://www.rubyonrails.com – Web-application framework

Blogged on O’Reillynet.


Congrats on v1.0, like the new look of www.rubyonrails.org too.

Complements to Kevin also for managing to crack out a blog in under 6


Blogged on O’Reillynet.


Do you digg it?


Awesome job David and company.

Minor nitpick on the new web site. The quote from Martin F. says:

“It is impossible not to notice Ruby on Rails. It has had a huge effect
both in
and outside the Ruby community… Rails has become a standard to which
well-established tools are comparing themselves to.”

Just get rid of the trailing “to” since it is redundant. It’s already
covered by “to which”. You can drop the last word of his quote
without misquoting him, and it will sound a whole lot better.


Fantastic. A hearty thanks and congratulations to everyone!

And the new site looks sweet.



And thank you.

– Tom M.

ous 1.5 and Prototype 1.4.

Happy 1.0, everyone!

David Heinemeier H.
http://www.loudthinking.com – Broadcasting Brain
http://www.basecamphq.com – Online project management
http://www.backpackit.com – Personal information manager
http://www.rubyonrails.com – Web-application framework

Thanks DHH et all! Congratulations on the big ONE OH!. Its been aa
fun ride from the beginning and its only going to get better.


-Ezra Z.
Yakima Herald-Republic Newspaper

On 12/13/05, David Heinemeier H. removed_email_address@domain.invalid

15 months after the first public release, Rails has arrived at the big
Happy 1.0, everyone!

David Heinemeier H.
http://www.loudthinking.com – Broadcasting Brain
http://www.basecamphq.com – Online project management
http://www.backpackit.com – Personal information manager
http://www.rubyonrails.com – Web-application framework

Congrats a couple minor things:

Great job David & co.
Keep up the good work


Thank you, David et. al. And … Gentoo is showing it in Portage – it’s
installing even as I type this!!

David Heinemeier H. wrote:


M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

David Heinemeier H. wrote:

Happy 1.0, everyone!

Cogratulations to David and the Rails Core Team, this is awesome. You
guys made my job lovable.

Thanks a lot,

A language that doesn?t affect the way you think about programming is
not worth knowing ? Alan Perlis

Great too see Rails being mature!
Congratulation, David.

BTW, I like the new flickr video.

Thanks for Rails David and everyone who is behind…
and on release of 1.0 congratulations


On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 15:06 -0600, David Heinemeier H. wrote:

15 months after the first public release, Rails has arrived at the big
1.0. What a journey! We’ve gone through thousands of revisions,
tickets, and patches from hundreds of contributors to get here. I’m
incredibly proud at the core committer team, the community, and the
ecosystem we’ve raised around this framework.

Congratulations guys! And you doubled the RubyGems traffic yesterday:


72K hits vs the usual 35K hits. Whew!



On 14-dec-2005, at 15:11, nano dust wrote:

tiny files, same effect. and unlike qt, it works in linux :wink:

The screencasts work fine for me using mplayer and mplayerplug-in


Congratulations guys! And you doubled the RubyGems traffic yesterday:

i’ll say!

i was finally sitting down to check it all out

and the quicktimes were achingly slow, gave up

anyway, congrats - will revisit sometime



for future ‘screencasts’

why not use

vnc2swf ?


tiny files, same effect. and unlike qt, it works in linux :wink:

I missed the logo on www.rubyonrails.org. I have grown to love that


On 12/13/05, Rob S. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

  • if you only need to update javascripts to upgrade from 0.14.x, why
    did gem update pull in all new versions of everything (I was at
    0.14.3, I believe).

What they mean when they mention only needing to upgrade javascripts
is that that is all you need to update in your application in
order to use the new and improved Rails 1.0. And they even made that
as easy as running “rake update_javascripts”. The framework itself
(what gets installed/updated by gems) definitely does have many
changes but is completely backwards-compatible to 0.14.x, which means
you don’t have to update any of your code (aside from the
aforementioned javascripts) to use it.

Jacob F.