Thread synchronization: Mutex or Monitor?

Hi Rubyists!!
Ruby contains two seemingly equivalents tools for thread
Mutex (defined in thread.rb) and Monitor (defined in monitor.rb). They
both implement classic mutex and conditional variable functionality
and have the same API. This begs two questions:

1: What is the difference between Monitor and Mutex?

2: Which one of the two is the preferred solution? PickAxe 1-st
edition covered Mutex, PickAxe 2-nd edition covers Monitor in main
text and Mutex in passing in library reference.

Any opinions are highly appreciated.


On Mon, Dec 26, 2005 at 11:05:25PM +0900, [email protected] wrote:
} Hi Rubyists!!
} Ruby contains two seemingly equivalents tools for thread
} Mutex (defined in thread.rb) and Monitor (defined in monitor.rb). They
} both implement classic mutex and conditional variable functionality
} and have the same API. This begs two questions:
} 1: What is the difference between Monitor and Mutex?
} 2: Which one of the two is the preferred solution? PickAxe 1-st
} edition covered Mutex, PickAxe 2-nd edition covers Monitor in main
} text and Mutex in passing in library reference.
} Any opinions are highly appreciated.

There are at least three (maybe only three – it’s been a long time
my operating systems course in college) equivalently powerful
control primitives: mutexes, monitors, and semaphores. They are
equivalently powerful because you can implement any one of them in terms
any other. The implication, then, is that you should use the primitive
best suits your application. Here is some guidance on where each applies

  1. Semaphores involve counting, so they are typically used for
    access to a limited, but plural, number of connections to some
    Some good examples are audio channels or IO channels.

  2. Monitors are an OO construct and work well with controlling
    access to the multiple entry points in an object. A good example
    be a shared queue object, on which the enqueue and dequeue operations
    are protected.

  3. Mutexes are the simplest primitives. They are best for protecting
    a single entry point (i.e. a single function/method/block) or global
    data. An example might be a thread-safe printf function that prevents
    interleaved printing.

} Thanks,
} --Leo–

many thanks for your reply and insightful description of general
concepts of semaphores, mutexes and monitors. As far as I understand,
Ruby implementation of monitor and mutex provide identical
functionality that in your classification would be combination of your
items 2) and 3).
Ruby Mutex is quite advanced, pure OO and even can be mixed into any
object (require “mutex_m.rb”) exactly the same way as Ruby Monitor.
So, in terms of their functionality and usage they can do the same
things with the same API. Mutex#synchronize allows for control of
multiple access points the same way as Mutex#synchronize does.


From: “Gregory S.” [email protected]

access to a limited, but plural, number of connections to some resource.
interleaved printing.
Also, Critical Sections.

In Ruby,

Thread.exclusive do
# No other ruby threads will be scheduled while we’re in this
# Critical Section. (With a few exceptions, such as if we were
# to sleep().)



On Dec 26, 2005, at 5:12 PM, Warren S. wrote:

Shocked, simply shocked…

Symbols are really just immutable Strings. Not too much magic
there. By convention, we generally use them to refer to method names
and the like inside our programs (i.e. :each instead of “each”).
That’s just because they are easier to type, faster in performance,
and we won’t need all of String’s helper methods for them.

Hope that helps explain what you are seeing.

James Edward G. II

Reading about Forwardable I was shocked to see strange symbol-looking
notations I’d never
seen before. Nothing the pickaxe led me to believe that :[] or
:@variable was valid Ruby.
I’ve since figured out, I think, what it must mean but I’m wondering:
What other crazy
syntax am I going to have to figure out? And does :[] simply name a
function, as I think?

Will I be seeing :&, :**, :slight_smile: and so on? Or even :slight_smile: ?

Shocked, simply shocked…

Warren S.

Warren S. wrote:

Reading about Forwardable I was shocked to see strange symbol-looking
notations I’d never
seen before. Nothing the pickaxe led me to believe that :[] or
:@variable was valid Ruby.
I’ve since figured out, I think, what it must mean but I’m wondering:
What other crazy
syntax am I going to have to figure out? And does :[] simply name a
function, as I think?

: just indicates the variable being a Symbol,
just like the quotes in ‘something’ indicates that variable
to be a String. A Symbol does not intrinsically refer to a
method, it is just a name (you could just as well use a String):

foo.send :foobar_method # is equivalent to
foo.send ‘foobar_method’

So, conceptually, :[] is more or less the same as ‘[]’
and it may, indeed, be good to think of a Symbol as a
kind of an immutable String :slight_smile:

Will I be seeing :&, :**, :slight_smile: and so on? Or even :slight_smile: ?

Well, (:slight_smile: is valid as the minus operator…

Shocked, simply shocked…

Ha! Wait until you start constructing Symbols using the
implicit String conversion:

:‘This is a Symbol too’

Warren S.


thanks a lot for pointing out that Ruby Mutex is not reentrant while
Monitor is reentrant. Unfortunately, Ruby documentation (neither Rdoc
nor PickAxe book) does not mention this important difference.

Best Regards,

[email protected] wrote:

Hi Rubyists!!
Ruby contains two seemingly equivalents tools for thread
synchronization: Mutex (defined in thread.rb) and Monitor (defined in
monitor.rb). They both implement classic mutex and conditional
variable functionality
and have the same API. This begs two questions:

1: What is the difference between Monitor and Mutex?

The main difference is that Monitors are reentrant while Mutexes are

require ‘monitor’
=> true

require ‘thread’
=> true
=> #<Monitor:0x101a6930 @mon_entering_queue=[], @mon_count=0,
@mon_waiting_queue=[], @mon_owner=nil>

m.synchronize { m.synchronize { puts “foo” } }
=> nil
=> #<Mutex:0x10198f80 @locked=false, @waiting=[]>

m.synchronize { m.synchronize { puts “foo” } }
ThreadError: stopping only thread
note: use sleep to stop forever
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/thread.rb:100:in stop' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/thread.rb:100:inlock’
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/thread.rb:133:in synchronize' from (irb):6 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/thread.rb:135:insynchronize’
from (irb):6
from :0

2: Which one of the two is the preferred solution? PickAxe 1-st
edition covered Mutex, PickAxe 2-nd edition covers Monitor in main
text and Mutex in passing in library reference.

They are mostly equivalent. I guess it mainly boils down to this: if
code needs to be reentrant or if methods invoke each other that are
synchronized on the same lock use Monitor. For all other cases or where
performance is important use Mutex. (Disclaimer: I didn’t benchmark the
but since the implementation of a reentrant lock is more complicated I
Monitor has some overhead over Mutex.) Note also that there is
which basically allows do to something like

class Foo
include MonitorMixin

def do_it_safely()
synchronize { puts “thread safe code” }

instead of

class Foo
def initialize() @lock = end

def do_it_safely()
@lock.synchronize { puts “thread safe code” }

There are more thread control primitives which might help you depending
the problem you are trying to solve: ConditionVariable and Queue. I
recommend to not use Thread.critical and Thread.exclusive (which uses
#critical internally) for several reasons:

  • they limit concurrency more than necessary there is only a single
    which will prevent all but one thread from executing

  • I view them as quite low level functionality which is purely there to
    implement other synchronization features like Mutex, Monitor etc.

  • Although they might not be deprecated when we have a Ruby version
    supports native threads the effect of using this single process wide
    will be even more dramatic, because there will be even more unused
    when the lock is held - especially in multiprocessor environments.

Kind regards


From: “Robert K.” [email protected]

  • Although they might not be deprecated when we have a Ruby version that
    supports native threads the effect of using this single process wide lock
    will be even more dramatic, because there will be even more unused resources
    when the lock is held - especially in multiprocessor environments.

Agreed, with regard to multiprocessor environments. With ruby’s
current implementation, using Thread.exclusive where appropriate
seems perfectly reasonable to me. Grep ruby’s standard library,
you’ll see several instances of its use.

For instance drb/drb.rb DRbServer#initialize does the following:

Thread.exclusive do
DRb.primary_server = self unless DRb.primary_server

Yes, that could have been done with a Mutex, but why? Calling
Mutex#synchronize (which in turn calls Mutex#lock and Mutex#unlock)
involves considerably more code executed inside Thread.critical blocks
than that one-liner above.

So if the argument is that Thread.critical is prohibitively costly,
one had better bear that in mind when calling any methods on Mutex.

In the current implementation, each call to Mutex#synchronize
involves around ten or so lines of ruby executed in at least
two separate Thread.critical blocks (one of which is in a loop.)

I agree that the relative costs of all these operations may change
when we get to YARV + native threads + fine-grained locking that
allows multiple ruby threads simultaneously executing on multiple
processors. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ruby’s current thread.rb
implementation had to be rewritten for that new system.

But in any case, with ruby’s current green threads, Thread.exclusive
is about as efficient as you can get, for simple cases like the
DRb one shown above. All it does is extend the current thread’s
quantum, effectively, for a brief period of time. There’s no
waiting involved.



Bill K. [email protected] wrote:

processors. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ruby’s current thread.rb
implementation had to be rewritten for that new system.

I expect exactly that to happen - even more so, these classes are likely
candidates for an implementation in the runtime system (similarly to

But in any case, with ruby’s current green threads, Thread.exclusive
is about as efficient as you can get, for simple cases like the
DRb one shown above. All it does is extend the current thread’s
quantum, effectively, for a brief period of time. There’s no
waiting involved.

I still don’t like this approach even if the std lib does it. In an
application you’ll usually want more fine grained locks than process
locks. IMHO it’s not only a question of efficiency but also of design.
prefer to start with the cleaner design and only change to
if there is a real need for this. I guess you know the quote about
premature optimization… Of course you can view the usage of several
grained locks vs. Thread.exclusive as an optimization, too (increases
throughput). :-))

Although we differ on this one I guess we’ve given good arguments for
approaches so people can pick whatever they feel more comfortable with.

Kind regards


PS: Since I do Java for a living it’s MT approach might have influenced
there’s simply no such thing as an application wide thread exclusive