How to create a rails engine in 3.x

Hi everyone,

I decided it might be nice if someone after me had an easier time
understanding a little bit about rails engines and how they work. I’ve
created a rails example engine called “baby_dove” that you can use to
work with that is heavily commented for your benefit. It’s located

Rails Engines are a fantastic addition with Rails 3.x and I hope you
enjoy the writeup.

Take care and Happy New Year.

On 31 December 2010 15:53, Alpha B. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

Rails Engines are a fantastic addition with Rails 3.x and I hope you
enjoy the writeup.

Thanks for that Alpha. Engines are on my list of things to learn
about, I have bookmarked your link and it will be the first of my
visitations when I get started.

Take care and Happy New Year.

and yourself.

