What doesn’t make sense to me is that the errors are not even inside of
ruby scriptlets, they’re just in normal HTML parts of the view. And all
of my previous scriptlets are properly closed. If I mess around with the
layout by removing different parts of the html, I get different errors,
and then, randomly, some section of html being removed makes it work
again. Very, very odd behavior.
The SAME code (no messing around) running in my linux environment is
working fine.
If I remove acts_as_ferret from my model AND the filesystem, things
begin to work without any changes to the layout or other views.
I don’t get it. Maybe I’ll try downgrading to Ferret 0.10.2 Ruby
instead of win32 and see what happens.
I’d say it is definitely related to this. Which version of Ruby do you
have? I’ve compiled against 1.8.4 which isn’t the latest. Have you
tried the whitespace solution described here;
ie, replace all tabs with spaces. I have no idea why this would make a
difference but it seems to. I’ll puts out Ferret 0.10.3 today and I’ll
compile it against 1.8.5. Hopefully that will help.
fyi: if anyone’s interested… got Mongrel up and running this morning
and Mongrel + Ruby 1.8.5 + Ferret 0.10.2 = no joy, same wierd parsing
errors. So it doesn’t appear to be a webbrick thing at least. I tried
this because some of the posts above mentioned that using apache would
solve this issue… didn’t try that yet though (but was hoping simple
mongrel might solve it).