WYSIWY Get plugin

Sorry, I have to disagree with you completely. The non-technical
person is non-technical because they choose not to or their cognitive
patterns align them to excel in other ways. You can’t force either to
change. And why can’t a website be a toy? Relax! I appreciate your
dedication to the craft, but not everyone is at your level. Remember,
lots of people still use Word to create sites. (I’m not arguing the
validity of such a practice, but realize this is what is going on in
the world with non-technical people).

Secondly, the majority of humans are monkey-see monkey-do. The
industry wouldn’t be where it is today without WYSIWYG, why I bet the
last time you used Dreamweaver you didn’t code 100% in code view.
Imagine how slowly computers would have progressed without seeing
what you get? The value of the computer in business exponentially
grew when the GUI made usage easy!

I am working on this very rapidly, and it will be a plugin. I’m not
looking to take over the code or something else wacky, just
contribute something I feel others may want to use. It’s a PLUGIN and
it will be available for beta by the end of the month.
Todd B.
[email protected]
11814 Westview Parkway
Unit #176
San Diego, CA 92126

This topic has opened up some great discussion! I
think that I can understand everyone’s side of the
debate. I was by no means saying when I replied to the
original posting by Todd that it should be standard
with Radiant. I like the simple approach that Radiant
takes by not trying to be everything to everyone. I
therefore don’t see the problem with it being a plugin
and letting people use it they wish or not. I also am
not saying that the WYSIWYG editor needs to allow for
all sorts of markup. Just some simple bold, underline
and headings would really go a long ways to helping
Radiant become more popular with a larger user-base.
And again, install the plug-in if you want, otherwise
I applaud anyone who wishes to use their own personal
time to develop software and contribute it back to the
community. I look forward to seeing how you tackle
this problem Todd and looking back through this
discussion thread it looks like some others may have
tackled this problem of WYSIWYG editing well. I’m
still new to Radiant and the mailing list, so forgive
my ramble, but I am really impressed by the power and
flexibility of Radiant. I’m planning to try and use it
in more and more websites that are looking for a
flexible and easy to maintain CMS solution and I hope
someday to contribute code myself. Please keep me
posted on the beta code Todd.

— Todd B. [email protected] wrote:

lots of people still use Word to create sites. (I’m
in code view.
contribute something I feel others may want to use.

never had
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My vote is for a plugin to do this – I will install it. If for
else, it will help in making the decision to replace a bloated CMS like
CMS – which we are doing in my company.

A WYSIWYG editor is one of the main things they wanted… This will
make my
users happy. The flexiblity of Radiant will make me happy.

Todd B. wrote:

Sorry, I have to disagree with you completely. The non-technical
person is non-technical because they choose not to or their cognitive
patterns align them to excel in other ways.

Just wanted to back that up with a tale from the front line.
I have recently built a news system for our Intranet using rails. Being
a bit of a convert to the textile way of things I initally shunned the
idea of implementing a wysiwyg interface. But after a week of so of
support calls from across the office asking how to put bullet’s in etc.
I gave in a implemented widgEditor by Cameron Adams -

It’s very simple to start with and we’ve made it even more so by
removing the italic and image buttons from it too. We also removed some
of the options in the “Blocktype” drop down so the only options are now,
Paragraph, Heading, and Sub-Heading. Our users wouldn’t understand what
an h3 was anyway.

The cheers of glee that errupted when we showed off the new interface
were an strong show of feeling in favour of wysiwyg. So even though
I’m going to be using alot more textile on my own sites, I’m going to
stick with trimmed down wysiwyg for customer’s sites.


I concur with the exclusion of a WYSIWYG in Radiant. Plugins are there
for a reason :slight_smile:

On a side note, I wonder if a simplistic WYSIWYG editor could be made as
an interface to Textile or Markdown?