Anyone see Google co-op this morning? If not, go here:
Anyway I have set up a Ruby on Rails search engine:
At the moment it only searches the main Rails sites, the wiki, the api
docs, the ruby code and stdlib but anyone can suggest/add new sites to
add to it. I don’t know how easy it is to add new sites to the search
but I think that including the really good Ruby/Rails blogs on here
would make it a pretty useful resource because I know I dont have a
definitive list of doc sites in there yet.
What I think is really powerful is the suggestion feature means that
hopefully we wont end up with 20 Rails search engines like Rollyo but
because of the suggestion feature, we might actually end up with a
definitive one that everyone has contributed to.
At the moment it only searches the main Rails sites, the wiki, the api
docs, the ruby code and stdlib but anyone can suggest/add new sites to
add to it. I don’t know how easy it is to add new sites to the search
but I think that including the really good Ruby/Rails blogs on here
would make it a pretty useful resource because I know I dont have a
definitive list of doc sites in there yet.
Bleh, and can you make the logo from the results pages point at the
search start page, not It’s not the expected behavior,
and it makes it a pain to bookmark and such.
One day on and some bizarre things are happening, I think there are some
fairly significant bugs with the service:
We now have 15 contributors (which seems to be something Google
didn’t even consider because, well, look at the layout on the search
page) but I can not see who most of them are because it does not tell me
a user name or anything for all but 3 people.
The list of sites to search that I see in my admin interface is still
the original list of sites but I can see some people have been
contributing because on the front page of the search I can see this:
“Ruby on Rails searches 20 sites” and I only seeded it with 8 or so.
Finally, a question for those who have signed up… Do you get an admin
interface with a section to add Sites and Refinements along the top
menu? If so, when you go in there do you see only the sites you added or
all sites including yours? Also, if you have signed up and have not set
user details, please do so so you can be identified.
Bleh, and can you make the logo from the results pages point at the
search start page, not It’s not the expected behavior,
and it makes it a pain to bookmark and such.
i agree. it seems completely pointless to have 37 different resources.
(with many overlapping sources) I thought the whole idea is to wrap the
best sources under one interface…?