A new uWSGI PHP plugin is available

Roberto De Ioris wrote in post #1052159:

How would I then proceed to build the uWSGI php plugin?
if all goes well you will end with a binary named ‘uwsgi’

server {
listen 8080;
server_name www.myphp.com myphp.com;
location ~ .php {
root /var/www/php_test;
include uwsgi_params;

here you have missed

uwsgi_modifier1 14;

that instruct uWSGI to route the request to the php plugin.

About index.php you can add an index directive in nginx or

php-index = index.php

in uwsgi config

Roberto De Ioris

Hi, Ioris
Thanks for your reply, I add uwsgi_modifier1 14; to nginx server config
file. myphp.com:8080/index.php can visited now, but myphp.com:8080 still
return 404.

I Hava try a lot solution, like
add “index index.php” to nginx
or run uwsgi with --php-index index.php
all failed

SO, HOW CAN I TELL UWSGI to run index.php defaultly?

Another Question:
I use the uwsgi config in The uWSGI project — uWSGI 2.0 documentation, run
as uwsgi --ini uwsgi_config
While I visit myphp.com/index.php, return 502 error
uwsgi print the error message: – unavailable modifier requested: 14 –


SO, HOW CAN I TELL UWSGI to run index.php defaultly?

Another Question:
I use the uwsgi config in The uWSGI project — uWSGI 2.0 documentation, run
as uwsgi --ini uwsgi_config
While I visit myphp.com/index.php, return 502 error
uwsgi print the error message: – unavailable modifier requested: 14 –

I fear you are not loading the php plugin into uwsgi:

–plugin php

Check startup logs, for plugin loading errors (they come pretty soon)

Roberto De Ioris

Roberto De Ioris wrote in post #1052411:


SO, HOW CAN I TELL UWSGI to run index.php defaultly?

Another Question:
I use the uwsgi config in The uWSGI project — uWSGI 2.0 documentation, run
as uwsgi --ini uwsgi_config
While I visit myphp.com/index.php, return 502 error
uwsgi print the error message: – unavailable modifier requested: 14 –

I fear you are not loading the php plugin into uwsgi:

–plugin php

Check startup logs, for plugin loading errors (they come pretty soon)

Roberto De Ioris

I am very sure “–plugin php” is added, as myphp.com:8080/index.php can
return a phpinfo() page correctly.

Il giorno 20/mar/2012, alle ore 12:10, Delai S. ha scritto:

My be the question is: HOW CAN I TELL UWSGI to run index.php defaultly?

–php-app <path_to_php_file>

Roberto De Ioris
JID: [email protected]

My be the question is: HOW CAN I TELL UWSGI to run index.php defaultly?