Phillip G. wrote:
Don’t be afraid. If you can make a case, that @distro is superior in UX,
support, and ecosystem, by all means say so!But keep in mind that a sizable chunk of users of this Appliance are
more than likely to be utter newbies to Linux and Ruby.If they are stuck, they’ll look for support on the web, and it is far
easier to find a random forum post that handles an Ubuntu issue than any
other distro (much as I feel that OpenSUSE is superior, personally).It’d also make things easier for appliance-user MLs, since pointing to
Ubuntu solutions is so easy.The Appliance’ll have to include custom code, too, to create a smooth
“turn key” experience, I bet, so the choice of distro might influence
this.The choice of distribution to use is fundamental, and we better
consider all the options now, before a single line of code is written.
Fair points.
I don’t want to pollute Ruby-Talk with … Distro-talk though, so I’ll
start writing on this wave (public wave, accessibly by all):
Wave should also be findable with the ‘ruby appliance’ tag
Hopefully your invite comes through quickly…