[ANN] Capistrano 1.1


(Although I would have liked Vlad the Deployer, I have to admit.)

On 3/6/06, Chad F. [email protected] wrote:

other development environment I’ve ever touched.
and All I Got Was This Lousy Book)
http://rubygems.rubyforge.org (over one million gems served!)

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On 3/6/06, Derrick S.
[email protected] wrote:

On Mar 6, 2006, at 2:17 PM, Adam F. wrote:

Why “Capistrano”? Does this mean something? If not, it seems
needlessly confusing.


Vlad the Deployer is awesome.

I kind of wish Jamis had gone with this too. OTOH, I don’t really care
what it’s called as long as it works.

Thanks for making a tool like this available to the rest of us, Jamis.

Joe B. [email protected]

Have GNU, will travel.

Don’t know if this has come up yet, but it would be great if the gem
installer for capistrano would check to make sure rake >= 0.7 is
installed and at least issue a warning. After upgrading from ST to cap
1.1, “rake migrate” seemed broken until I thought to try updating rake
on all my machines. It worked.


Jamis B. wrote:

Capistrano is a utility for executing tasks in parallel across
multiple remote hosts. It was formerly known as SwitchTower.


gem install capistrano




Good point. I thought I had that set up in the gemspec, but
apparently not.

  • Jamis

On Mar 7, 2006, at 7:19 AM, John-Mason P. Shackelford wrote:

As one who’s spent time in San Juan Capistrano, I must say that my
first thought was of the historic train station an easy walk from the
mission. There is no switch yard there, but the name does invoke train
images for me.

Funny. When I heard Capistrano was the new name, I immediately thought
it was a reference to your code infallibly ending up where it belonged,
like the birds that return there every year.

– Tom M.