I’ve been working with modifying a binary file to replace some meta-data
included within. I’ve had some discussions previously
(Binary file modification - Ruby - Ruby-Forum) about this but couldn’t get to a
satisfactory conclusion. Basically I need to encode an integer value
into 3 bytes as part of a binary file - Bitstruct was suggested as one
of the solutions, however I haven’t been able to get it to work for
values larger than 1024 :
require ‘bit-struct’
class Audio < BitStruct
signed :aheader, 8, :endian => :little
unsigned :alength, 3*8, :endian => :little
signed :afooter, 8, :endian => :little
In the application above, if the value of audio.alength is set to equal
or below 1024 then the output for f.read(3).unpack(‘H6’).first.to_i(16)
matches, however if set above this then the value printed doesn’t match.
Can anybody tell me why setting an audio.alength>=1024 breaks the output
and provide a way to fix it …
My code is broken. Where I said [0…2] I meant [0…5], I added it in at
last minute as an overflow check without testing - I was thinking 3 raw
bytes but the string after the conversion is a 6 byte ‘friendly’ hex
Ah, OK that works with my example script - thanks. However, that means
the Bitstruct definition I gave is incorrect. The binary file I’m
trying to modify correctly unpacks the integer using :
However, I’m really confused over what the Bitstruct definition should
be to support this - do you have any suggestions ?
My code is broken. Where I said [0…2] I meant [0…5], I added it in at
last minute as an overflow check without testing - I was thinking 3 raw
bytes but the string after the conversion is a 6 byte ‘friendly’ hex
No problem ! I’ve just modified the code and it works great - thanks
I’m investigating bitstruct as well but it’s always nice to have
alternatives …
Then probably your data is in big endian order–I should have grokked
that from your code. Try this:
class Audio < BitStruct
signed :aheader, 8
unsigned :alength, 3*8
signed :afooter, 8
Excellent - thank you. It all works - if you’re interested I’m working
on a Ruby proxy for the Nabaztag (wifi bunny rabbit) and I’m trying to
extend some of it’s audio capabilities
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