On Jul 16, 2008, at 12:12 PM, Rodger D. wrote:
Why is mod_proxy working with mongrel such an exercise?
That’s it as a whole, 7 whole lines. Add that to your apache
configuration in a Virtualhost area for your blog and startup typo
and you should be golden.
At which point you wonder why everything is running so slow, and you
discover that mongrel really, really sucks at delivering image files
and the like. So your 7 line example works if you want horrible
performance with even a trivial number of users.
I absolutely agree. Mongrel does suck for delivering images, however
that is part of scaling and proper design. If you use Swiftiply it
does take some of the pain away, but Mongrel has certain problems (or
should I say rails really?) images, uploading images… bone jarring
pain. If you have let’s say a gallery, and you want it to send 80
thumbnails to a user. Well that’s just inefficient when you can have
Apache or whatever web server you have handle the images in 1/32nd of
the time. FastCGI really does not make that pain go away, it’s
usually easier to host your images on apache and have your ‘rails app’
reflect where the images are to be pulled. Lessens the amount of
requests per second to Mongrel(or whatever you use) which can make
your web app smoother as well as allows other users to take up the
requests that the images were sucking up.
I’ve tried Gentoo and it’s worked excellent also, so perhaps some
research is in order?Actually, I’ve used Ruby on a number of the Linux problems, and the
interaction of Gems and Ruby is a problem on all of them. A snide
and condescendng tone does not change this fact, it merely convinces
people they don’t want to bother using typo.
That would be a side effect, some call it ‘maturity’, I prefer to
consider it stagnation. It’s been many years since there was a major
Perl version release. When Perl6 starts coming in Linux Distributions
you’ll feel the same exact pain as you do for Ruby. I like to call
this side effect “People telling you what to run, how to run it, and
what version to run”. I dislike that side effect because if you want
to run your own version it becomes painful (even for Systems
Administrators it’s painful) and after a certain point you have to
decide when it’s too much and you need a change so you don’t have to
keep doing this.
I disagree that it’s a typo issue really, the issues you are feeling
are more Ruby issues and Ruby on Rails, not Typo. You can ask Someone
to update this and update that and make Ruby a better experience, but
if they don’t give a damn to do that … There’s not much to do. I
consider that one of the pains of running a Binary Distribution. They
attempt to lock you into what they offer you, and make it a hassle to
go beyond that.