Hello Ruby Friends!
I’m very pleased to announce that we’ve posted our speakers for
Cascadia Ruby Conf! Speakers, session details, and the like are all
listed on our website (http://cascadiarubyconf.com) We’re still hoping
to add a few more sessions, so keep your eyes on the site and our
twitter (@cascadiaruby) for more details.
Speaking of details…
Dates: July 29-30, 2011
Location: Seattle, WA
Venue: Bell Harbor International Conference Center
Registration closes on July 25th at midnight, PDT, so if you haven’t
gotten your ticket yet, head on over to
http://cascadiarubyconf.com/register and get signed up!
We’re also very happy to announce that Bend, Oregon’s own G5 has
signed on as our first Gold sponsor. Check them out at
http://g5platform.com or say hello to any of the folks they’re sending
to Cascadia Ruby. If you’re interested in joining them in sponsoring
our conference, please drop us an email at [email protected].
Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you in July.
Ben and Shane