Check if char in string?

I have a question:

If you are only testing if a single character is in a string ‘aeiouy’
what are the advantages of using a regular expression instead of
(or index).

If I understand correctly what the original poster is trying to do
(caveat: I’m not at all sure that I do), it is something like:

str = ‘you muppet’
0.upto( str.size - 1 ) do | n |
if ‘aeiouy’.include?( str[ n, 1 ] ) then
puts ‘vowel’
puts ‘consonant’

Regular expressions will work for more complicated tests
(which is why I ought to learn them!),
but do they have an advantage for something like this,
other than getting used to them?

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 4:10 AM, globalrev [email protected] wrote:

Almost seems that you try to prove Robert’s theory :frowning:
Robert (the other one).

On May 8, 11:27 am, Jim C. <allergic-to-s…@no-spam-> wrote:

if not str[x].chr =~ /[aeiouy]/ then print “YO\n” end


if str[x].chr !~ /[aeiouy]/ then print “YO\n” end

aa = “Hello World”
puts ‘yes’

ty all for the help. haesob park did what iw anted.

this is the program i wrote, it is an encrypter/decrypter for the
robbers language(rövarspråket in swedish), its from the book Kalle
Blomkvist by late and very famous author Astrid Lindgren.
you add o + the consonant, nothing is done to vowels.
so d becomes dod, a is just a.

dad is therefore dodadod, super is sosupoperor etc.

puts "Enter sentence to encrypt: "
str = gets

enc = “”
for x in (0…str.length()-1)
if str[x].chr =~ /[qwrtpsdfghjklzxcvbnm]/
enc = enc + str[x].chr + “o” + str[x].chr
enc = enc +str[x].chr

print enc

puts "Enter code to decrypt: "
code = gets

x = 0
dec = “”
while (x<code.length())
dec = dec + code[x].chr
if code[x].chr =~ /[qwrtpsdfghjklzxcvbnm]/
x = x + 2
x = x + 1

print dec

i then changed to !~ just like haesob said but if i do /aeiouy / it
doesnt react to space " ". how do i get it to treat " " as “a”?


globalrev wrote:

ty all for the help. haesob park did what iw anted.

this is the program i wrote, it is an encrypter/decrypter for the
robbers language(r�varspr�ket in swedish), its from the book Kalle
Blomkvist by late and very famous author Astrid Lindgren.
you add o + the consonant, nothing is done to vowels.
so d becomes dod, a is just a.

dad is therefore dodadod, super is sosupoperor etc.

puts "Enter sentence to encrypt: "
str = gets

enc = “”
for x in (0…str.length()-1)
if str[x].chr =~ /[qwrtpsdfghjklzxcvbnm]/
enc = enc + str[x].chr + “o” + str[x].chr
enc = enc +str[x].chr

print enc

puts "Enter code to decrypt: "
code = gets

x = 0
dec = “”
while (x<code.length())
dec = dec + code[x].chr
if code[x].chr =~ /[qwrtpsdfghjklzxcvbnm]/
x = x + 2
x = x + 1

print dec

i then changed to !~ just like haesob said but if i do /aeiouy / it
doesnt react to space " ". how do i get it to treat " " as “a”?
You can do with like this:
if str[x].chr !~ /[\saeiouy]/

BTW, your encryption equals to

Park H.

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:12 AM, Heesob P. [email protected] wrote:

  enc = enc + str[x].chr + "o" + str[x].chr

code = gets

Not quite. [^\saeiouy] is not the same as the set of consonants.


On 8 Maj, 15:12, Heesob P. [email protected] wrote:

you add o + the consonant, nothing is done to vowels.
enc = enc + str[x].chr + “o” + str[x].chr
x = 0

Park H.

Posted via

that doesnt seem to work, it repeats the sma ething alot of times
befre next letter.

if this is what u meant(why did u add the “s” ?):
for x in (0…str.length()-1)
str = str.gsub(/([^\aeiouy])/,“\1o\1”)
print str

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 11:10 AM, globalrev [email protected] wrote:

Blomkvist by late and very famous author Astrid Lindgren.
if str[x].chr =~ /[qwrtpsdfghjklzxcvbnm]/

print dec
print str

I’ll repeat. With /[^aeiouy]/ you will get a true for any character
with byte number between 0 and 255 that is not [aeiouy],
including punctuation marks, the capital vowels, and other characters

“Hello, \n\rtherE!” would become

…and also includes everything above 126 and below 32 which is fine
if that’s what you want. Of course, any key would work, it doesn’t
have to be just consonants, so I guess the point is sort of moot; just
thought I would mention it.


On 5/8/08, globalrev [email protected] wrote:

On 8 Maj, 15:12, Heesob P. [email protected] wrote:

globalrev wrote:

i then changed to !~ just like haesob said but if i do /aeiouy / it
doesnt react to space " ". how do i get it to treat " " as “a”?

It’s all in the book…

From “Programming Ruby”, in Standard Types/ Regular Expressions
/Character Classes:
" A character class is a set of characters between brackets: …
[aeiou] will match a vowel … addition, you can use the abbreviations
… so that (for example) \s matches any whitespace character"
and a bit further down:
“Put a ^ immediately after the opening bracket to negate a character
class: [^a-z] matches any character that isn’t a lowercase alphabetic”

That should give you all the information to build the expression you
c !~ [\saeiouy]
!~ #does not match
/[ #any
\s #whitespace
aeiouy] #or vowel …

which is exactly what Park H. said:

You can do with like this:
if str[x].chr !~ /[\saeiouy]/

An equivalent version moves the ‘not’ inside the character class:
if str[x].chr =~ /[^\saeiouy]/

str = str.gsub(/([^\aeiouy])/,“\1o\1”)
print str

That’s not what he meant, check the docs for gsub:
“Returns a copy of str with all occurrences of pattern replaced with
either replacement or the value of the block”. So essentially, gsub
does the loop over all the characters for you. Your whole encode
function can be as simple as:

def encode str; str.gsub(/([^\saeiouy])/,“\1o\1”); end

I’d modify it to deal with case:

will encode “Hi Oliver” into
“Hohi Ololivoveror”, instead of
“HoHi OoOlolivoveror”



globalrev wrote:

On 8 Maj, 21:26, Adam S. [email protected] wrote:

[aeiou] will match a vowel … addition, you can use the abbreviations
\s #whitespace

str = str.gsub(/([^\aeiouy])/,“\1o\1”)

I’d modify it to deal with case:

will encode “Hi Oliver” into
“Hohi Ololivoveror”, instead of
“HoHi OoOlolivoveror”


is there some equally clever way to replace decode?

puts "Enter code to decrypt: "
code = gets
x = 0
dec = “”
while (x<code.length())
dec = dec + code[x].chr
if code[x].chr !~ /[\saeiouy]/
x = x + 2
x = x + 1
print dec
Something like this:
code.gsub(/([^\saeiouy])o([^\saeiouy])/){$1==$2 ? $1 : $& }


Park H.

On 8 Maj, 21:26, Adam S. [email protected] wrote:

[aeiou] will match a vowel … addition, you can use the abbreviations
\s #whitespace

str = str.gsub(/([^\aeiouy])/,“\1o\1”)

I’d modify it to deal with case:

will encode “Hi Oliver” into
“Hohi Ololivoveror”, instead of
“HoHi OoOlolivoveror”


is there some equally clever way to replace decode?

puts "Enter code to decrypt: "
code = gets
x = 0
dec = “”
while (x<code.length())
dec = dec + code[x].chr
if code[x].chr !~ /[\saeiouy]/
x = x + 2
x = x + 1
print dec