Deactivate page cache for development?

Radiant maintains its own page cache directory, which is typically
RADIANT_PROJECT/cache. Don’t change it and you’ll be fine.


Sean C. wrote:

Radiant maintains its own page cache directory, which is typically
RADIANT_PROJECT/cache. Don’t change it and you’ll be fine.

Sorry to be dense, but I need to disable the radiant page cache because
I’m trying to display something from the session on a page. I have
successfully written a radius tag (whoopee!) which can display things
from the session, but my Page.process() method isn’t being called
because I think my page is cached.

How do I disable the radiant cache without erasing my public directory?

Thanks for the reply.


Sean C. wrote:

Ah, I initially misunderstood. Put this in your config/environment.rb:

ResponseCache.instance.perform_caching = false

Hmm doesn’t seem to be working. Page.process() still isn’t being

Does it matter where in environment.rb I put it? I don’t understand
environment.rb very well yet.


Ah, I initially misunderstood. Put this in your config/environment.rb:

ResponseCache.instance.perform_caching = false


Steven L. wrote:

Does it matter where in environment.rb I put it? I don’t understand
environment.rb very well yet.


At the bottom would be best. Also, be sure to clear your cache/


Sean C. wrote:

Also, be sure to clear your cache/ directory.

That was it! Thank you Sean.
