Does jason convert to hash?

I am trying to work with the Etsy API. I make a HTTP request and get
data back in json format. I call JSON.parse(table) and the parse method
returns the data in something that appears to be a hash.

Here is a simplified version of what JSON.parse(table) returns:

{“results”=>[{“name”=>“getMethodTable”, “uri”=>“/”,
“http_method”=>“GET”, “type”=>“method”, “defaults”=>nil, “params”=>nil,
“description”=>“Get a list of all methods available.”,
“visibility”=>“public”}, {“name”=>“getSubCategory”,
“uri”=>“/categories/:tag/:subtag”, “http_method”=>“GET”,
“type”=>“Category”, “defaults”=>nil, “params”=>{“subtag”=>“string”,
“tag”=>“string”}, “description”=>“Retrieves a second-level Category by
tag and subtag.”, “visibility”=>“public”}, {“name”=>“getSubSubCategory”,
“uri”=>“/categories/:tag/:subtag/:subsubtag”, “http_method”=>“GET”,
“type”=>“Category”, “defaults”=>nil, “params”=>{“subtag”=>“string”,
“tag”=>“string”, “subsubtag”=>“string”}, “description”=>“Retrieves a
third-level Category by tag, subtag and subsubtag.”,
“visibility”=>“public”}], “type”=>“method”, “count”=>52, “params”=>nil}

I am trying to access each of these hashes and each of the sub hashes. I
do not think that I am using the correct syntax.

I can get some of the values by refering to:

table[“results”][i] # then iterate through i

This is the code I use to access the key value pairs.

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘json’
require ‘net/http’

class MethodTable # returns hash containing results from Etsy’s API
method: getMethodTable
def get_table
url = “
url = URI.parse(url)
method_list = Net::HTTP.get(url)

method_table =
table = method_table.get_table
table = JSON.parse(table)

i = 1

while (i <= table[“count”])

table[“results”][i].each do |key, value|
print “#{key} => #{value}\n”
i += 1

table.rb:21: undefined method `each’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

How can I use `each’ without and error? How can I access the sub-hashes
such as the hash of parameters seen below?

“params”=>{“subtag”=>“string”, “tag”=>“string”, “subsubtag”=>“string”}



in ur example data there are only 3 items in the “result” and the
element of
“count” has a value of 52
in ur for-loop u will access 3-51 ones which do not exist
u may use table[“results”].size instead of table[“count”]

2010/8/12 Samuel S. [email protected]

i wrote a test because ur code cannot be run on my machine

require ‘json’
items = JSON.parse(‘{“test”:12334, “test1”: [{“a”:1,“b”:2},2,3]}’)
p item
it looks good
a hash can be “each”
so try to “p” the variable before “each” it?

2010/8/12 Samuel S. [email protected]

jason joo wrote:

in ur example data there are only 3 items in the “result” and the
element of
“count” has a value of 52
in ur for-loop u will access 3-51 ones which do not exist
u may use table[“results”].size instead of table[“count”]

2010/8/12 Samuel S. [email protected]

In my while loop I am using "table[“count”]. If you run this code it
produces output that starts with:

a list of all methods

My while loop is using table[“count”] as the limit. Sorry for the