In article [email protected],
Tanaka A. [email protected] writes:
e$B$H$"$k$N$G!“e(Bslice e$B$b:o=|$N0UL#$K;H$&$3$H$O$”$k$h$&$G$9!#e(B
- Enumerable#slice_by
- Enumerable#slice_before
e$B$3$N%Q%C%A$G$O!"e(Bslice_by e$B$NMWAG$N=|5n$Oe(B nil e$B$He(B
e$B$K3d$jEv$F$F$"$j$^$9!#e(Bfalse e$B$O30$7$F$$^$7$?!#e(B
e$B$"$H!"e(Bsingleton e$B$H$$$&8l$OB>$N0UL#$K;H$&$3$H$,B?$$$N$Ge(B
:_alone e$B$KJQ$($^$7$?!#e(B
% svn diff --diff-cmd diff -x ‘-u -p’
Index: enum.c
— enum.c (revision 23381)
+++ enum.c (working copy)
@@ -1793,6 +1793,301 @@ enum_cycle(int argc, VALUE argv, VALUE
return Qnil; / not reached */
+struct sliceby_arg {
- VALUE categorize;
- VALUE state;
- VALUE prev_value;
- VALUE prev_elts;
- VALUE yielder;
+static VALUE
+sliceby_ii(VALUE i, VALUE _argp, int argc, VALUE *argv)
- struct sliceby_arg *argp = (struct sliceby_arg *)_argp;
- VALUE v;
- VALUE alone = ID2SYM(rb_intern(“_alone”));
- VALUE separator = ID2SYM(rb_intern(“_separator”));
- if (NIL_P(argp->state))
v = rb_funcall(argp->categorize, rb_intern("call"), 1, i);
- else
v = rb_funcall(argp->categorize, rb_intern("call"), 2, i,
- if (v == alone) {
if (!NIL_P(argp->prev_value)) {
rb_funcall(argp->yielder, rb_intern("<<"), 1,
rb_assoc_new(argp->prev_value, argp->prev_elts));
argp->prev_value = argp->prev_elts = Qnil;
rb_funcall(argp->yielder, rb_intern("<<"), 1, rb_assoc_new(v,
rb_ary_new3(1, i)));
- }
- else if (NIL_P(v) || v == separator) {
if (!NIL_P(argp->prev_value)) {
rb_funcall(argp->yielder, rb_intern("<<"), 1,
rb_assoc_new(argp->prev_value, argp->prev_elts));
argp->prev_value = argp->prev_elts = Qnil;
- }
- else if (SYMBOL_P(v) && rb_id2name(SYM2ID(v))[0] == ‘_’) {
- rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, “symbol begins with an underscore is
reserved”); - }
- else {
if (NIL_P(argp->prev_value)) {
argp->prev_value = v;
argp->prev_elts = rb_ary_new3(1, i);
else {
if (rb_equal(argp->prev_value, v)) {
rb_ary_push(argp->prev_elts, i);
else {
rb_funcall(argp->yielder, rb_intern("<<"), 1,
rb_assoc_new(argp->prev_value, argp->prev_elts));
argp->prev_value = v;
argp->prev_elts = rb_ary_new3(1, i);
- }
- return Qnil;
+static VALUE
+sliceby_i(VALUE yielder, VALUE enumerator, int argc, VALUE *argv)
- VALUE enumerable;
- struct sliceby_arg arg;
- enumerable = rb_ivar_get(enumerator,
rb_intern(“sliceby_enumerable”)); - arg.categorize = rb_ivar_get(enumerator,
rb_intern(“sliceby_categorize”)); - arg.state = rb_ivar_get(enumerator,
rb_intern(“sliceby_initial_state”)); - arg.prev_value = Qnil;
- arg.prev_elts = Qnil;
- arg.yielder = yielder;
- if (!NIL_P(arg.state))
arg.state = rb_obj_dup(arg.state);
- rb_block_call(enumerable, id_each, 0, 0, sliceby_ii, (VALUE)&arg);
- if (!NIL_P(arg.prev_elts))
rb_funcall(arg.yielder, rb_intern("<<"), 1,
rb_assoc_new(arg.prev_value, arg.prev_elts));
- return Qnil;
- call-seq:
enum.slice_by {|elt| ... } => enumerator
enum.slice_by(initial_state) {|elt, state| ... } => enumerator
- Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements.
- The elements which have same block value are chunked.
- The result enumerator yields the block value and an array of
chunked elements.
- The result enumerator yields the block value and an array of
- So “each” method can be called as follows.
- enum.slice_by {|elt| key }.each {|key, ary| … }
- For example, consecutive even numbers and odd numbers can be
- splitted as follows.
- [5, 3, 3, 5, 2, 8, 0, 6, 0, 3].slice_by {|n|
- }.each {|even, ary|
p [even, ary]
- }
- #=> [false, [5, 3, 3, 5]]
- The following key values has special meaning:
- nil and :_separator specifies that the elements are dropped.
- :_alone specifies that the element should be chunked as a
- :_alone specifies that the element should be chunked as a
- Other symbols which begins an underscore are reserved.
- nil and :_separator can be used to ignore some elements.
- For example, the sequence of hyphens in svn log can be eliminated
as follows.
- For example, the sequence of hyphens in svn log can be eliminated
- sep = “-”*72 + “\n”
- IO.popen(“svn log README”) {|f|
f.slice_by {|line|
line != sep || nil
}.each {|_, lines|
pp lines
- }
- #=> [“r20018 | knu | 2008-10-29 13:20:42 +0900 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008)
| 2 lines\n”,
- #=> [“r20018 | knu | 2008-10-29 13:20:42 +0900 (Wed, 29 Oct 2008)
| 2 lines\n",
- If the block needs to maintain state over multiple elements,
- initial_state argument can be used.
- If non-nil value is given,
- it is duplicated for each “each” method invocation of the
- it is duplicated for each “each” method invocation of the
- The duplicated object is passed to 2nd argument of the block for
“slice_by” method…
- The duplicated object is passed to 2nd argument of the block for
- */
+static VALUE
+enum_slice_by(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE enumerable)
+{ - VALUE initial_state;
- VALUE enumerator;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, “01”, &initial_state);
- enumerator = rb_obj_alloc(rb_cEnumerator);
- rb_ivar_set(enumerator, rb_intern(“sliceby_enumerable”),
enumerable); - rb_ivar_set(enumerator, rb_intern(“sliceby_categorize”),
rb_block_proc()); - rb_ivar_set(enumerator, rb_intern(“sliceby_initial_state”),
initial_state); - rb_block_call(enumerator, rb_intern(“initialize”), 0, 0, sliceby_i,
enumerator); - return enumerator;
+struct slicebefore_arg {
- VALUE separator_p;
- VALUE state;
- VALUE prev_elts;
- VALUE yielder;
+static VALUE
+slicebefore_ii(VALUE i, VALUE _argp, int argc, VALUE *argv)
- struct slicebefore_arg *argp = (struct slicebefore_arg *)_argp;
- VALUE header_p;
- if (NIL_P(argp->state))
header_p = rb_funcall(argp->separator_p, rb_intern("call"), 1,
- else
header_p = rb_funcall(argp->separator_p, rb_intern("call"), 2,
i, argp->state);
- if (RTEST(header_p)) {
if (!NIL_P(argp->prev_elts))
rb_funcall(argp->yielder, rb_intern("<<"), 1,
argp->prev_elts = rb_ary_new3(1, i);
- }
- else {
if (NIL_P(argp->prev_elts))
argp->prev_elts = rb_ary_new3(1, i);
rb_ary_push(argp->prev_elts, i);
- }
- return Qnil;
+static VALUE
+slicebefore_i(VALUE yielder, VALUE enumerator, int argc, VALUE *argv)
- VALUE enumerable;
- struct slicebefore_arg arg;
- enumerable = rb_ivar_get(enumerator,
rb_intern(“slicebefore_enumerable”)); - arg.separator_p = rb_ivar_get(enumerator,
rb_intern(“slicebefore_separator_p”)); - arg.state = rb_ivar_get(enumerator,
rb_intern(“slicebefore_initial_state”)); - arg.prev_elts = Qnil;
- arg.yielder = yielder;
- if (!NIL_P(arg.state))
arg.state = rb_obj_dup(arg.state);
- rb_block_call(enumerable, id_each, 0, 0, slicebefore_ii,
(VALUE)&arg); - if (!NIL_P(arg.prev_elts))
rb_funcall(arg.yielder, rb_intern("<<"), 1, arg.prev_elts);
- return Qnil;
- call-seq:
enum.slice_before {|elt| ... } => enumerator
enum.slice_before(initial_state) {|elt, state| ... } =>
- Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements.
- The chunked elements begins an element which the block returns true
- The chunked elements begins an element which the block returns true
- The result enumerator yields the chunked elements as an array.
- So “each” method can be called as follows.
- enum.slice_before {|elt| bool }.each {|ary| … }
- For example, iteration over ChangeLog entries can be implemented as
- For example, iteration over ChangeLog entries can be implemented as
- open(“ChangeLog”) {|f|
f.slice_before {|line| /\A\S/ =~ line }.each {|e| pp e}
- }
- If the block needs to maintain state over multiple elements,
- initial_state argument can be used.
- If non-nil value is given,
- it is duplicated for each “each” method invocation of the
- it is duplicated for each “each” method invocation of the
- The duplicated object is passed to 2nd argument of the block for
“slice_before” method…
- The duplicated object is passed to 2nd argument of the block for
- For example, monotonically increasing elements can be chunked as
- For example, monotonically increasing elements can be chunked as
- a = [2, 5, 2, 1, 4, 3, 1, 2, 8, 0]
- enum = a.slice_before(n: 0) {|elt, h|
prev = h[:n]
h[:n] = elt
prev > elt
- }
- enum.each {|ary| p ary }
- #=> [2, 5]
- open(“mbox”) {|f|
f.slice_before {|line|
line.start_with? "From "
}.each {|mail|
unix_from = mail.shift
i = mail.index("\n")
header = mail[0...i]
body = mail[(i+1)..-1]
fields = header.slice_before {|line| !" \t".include?(line[0])
- open(“mbox”) {|f|
f.slice_before(emp: true) {|line,h|
prevemp = h[:emp]
h[:emp] = line == "\n"
prevemp && line.start_with?("From ")
- }.each {|mail|
pp mail
- }
- */
+static VALUE
+enum_slice_before(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE enumerable)
+{ - VALUE initial_state, enumerator;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, “01”, &initial_state);
- enumerator = rb_obj_alloc(rb_cEnumerator);
- rb_ivar_set(enumerator, rb_intern(“slicebefore_enumerable”),
enumerable); - rb_ivar_set(enumerator, rb_intern(“slicebefore_separator_p”),
rb_block_proc()); - rb_ivar_set(enumerator, rb_intern(“slicebefore_initial_state”),
initial_state); - rb_block_call(enumerator, rb_intern(“initialize”), 0, 0,
slicebefore_i, enumerator); - return enumerator;
- The
mixin provides collection classes with - several traversal and searching methods, and with the ability to
@@ -1852,6 +2147,8 @@ Init_Enumerable(void)
rb_define_method(rb_mEnumerable, “drop”, enum_drop, 1);
rb_define_method(rb_mEnumerable, “drop_while”, enum_drop_while, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_mEnumerable, “cycle”, enum_cycle, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_mEnumerable, “slice_by”, enum_slice_by, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_mEnumerable, “slice_before”, enum_slice_before,
-1);id_eqq = rb_intern(“===”);
id_each = rb_intern(“each”);