Error trying to translate a model name in a validation message

So far I’ve found internationalization with Rails to be a very pleasant
experience. But I’ve run into trouble trying to translate model names
and I need a little help.

Here’s my fr.yml:
person: Personne
last_name: “Nom de Famille”

Please forgive me if the French is bad - I’m just using it as a
bootstrap example and it’s not an official translation.

Last name is a required field and when I try to save I get this error:

translation data {:person=>“Personne”} can not be used with :count => 1

And here’s some more information from Rails:

Extracted source (around line #28 ): 25:
26: <% content_for :title do %>
27: Edit Morbidity Event: <%= h(patient_name) %>
28: <% end %>
30: <% content_for :tools_two do %>
31: <%= save_buttons(@event) %>

RAILS_ROOT: /home/david/trisano-ee/webapp Application Trace | Framework
Trace | Full Trace
pluralize' /home/david/trisano-ee/webapp/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/vendor/i18n-0.1.3/lib/i18n/backend/simple.rb:40:intranslate’
t' /home/david/trisano-ee/webapp/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/active_record_helper.rb:197:inerror_messages_for’
with_options' /home/david/trisano-ee/webapp/vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/active_record_helper.rb:192:inerror_messages_for’
_run_erb_app47views47morbidity_events47edit46html46erb' /home/david/trisano-ee/webapp/app/controllers/morbidity_events_controller.rb:141:inupdate’

Anybody have any ideas what’s going on?

Thanks in advance for the help .

Dave C.
Senior Developer
Collaborative Software Initiative
503-545-5350 (CSI TriSanoâ„¢ Support)
317-966-6154 (personal)
[email protected]