Euruko 06, Nov 4 and 5, Please make up your mind till Tuesda

Hi all,

as previously announced the European Ruby conference will take place
in Munich
the weekend of Nov 4 and 5.

We are very happy to see that many ruby-friends will show up, but our
room will only support 45 to 50 people. So, we could now hunt for a
room which costs much more or close registration once we reached the

We will make this decision on Tuesday, so please if you want to come,
sign up till Tuesday evening that we can plan. Speak up now or hold
peace till next year :-).

Thanks a lot,
-Armin, Sven and Stefan

I’ll definately attent (train and hotel are booked). Should I add a
remark “will definately come” to the wiki?
Is there a mailing list where the conference in general and last
minute changes are discussed?

Tim B. wrote:

I’ll definately attent (train and hotel are booked). Should I add a
remark “will definately come” to the wiki?
Please add yourself to the wiki.
Is there a mailing list where the conference in general and last
minute changes are discussed?
No, there is no mailing list in place. Simply use the wiki.

Have a good weekend,