Getting Started With Development

Subject: Re: Getting Started With Development
Date: Sun 23 Jun 13 12:13:20AM +0900

Quoting Chamila W. ([email protected]):

This works for me in Ubuntu? It works fine. Do I have to follow same
steps in MAC?

I have no idea - I have no macintosh.


On 2013-06-22, at 11:13 AM, “Chamila W.” [email protected] wrote:

Debian’s package with

This works for me in Ubuntu? It works fine. Do I have to follow same
steps in MAC?

On a Mac there is a ruby installed by default, and then you can use
something like rvm or chruby
GitHub - postmodern/chruby: Changes the current Ruby (with ruby-install or ruby-build)
to install and manage your own versions of ruby.

irb command history. Do that before running ./configure.


Posted via

Hope this helps,


Mike S. [email protected]

The “`Stok’ disclaimers” apply.

Mike S. wrote in post #1113274:

On 2013-06-22, at 11:13 AM, “Chamila W.” [email protected] wrote:

How can I compile and run downloaded source code using these tools?

On a Mac there is a ruby installed by default, and then you can use
something like rvm or chruby
GitHub - postmodern/chruby: Changes the current Ruby (with ruby-install or ruby-build)
to install and manage your own versions of ruby.

Hope this helps,


Mike S. [email protected]
Mike Stok

The “`Stok’ disclaimers” apply.

On 2013-06-22, at 11:43 AM, Chamila W. [email protected] wrote:

Mike S. wrote in post #1113274:

On 2013-06-22, at 11:13 AM, “Chamila W.” [email protected] wrote:

How can I compile and run downloaded source code using these tools?

My preferred solution on a Mac is to use Homebrew
Redirecting... and install Apple’s free Xcode tools
(with the command line tools). Those give you compilers and the ability
to build and install other programs.


Mike S. [email protected]
Mike Stok

The “`Stok’ disclaimers” apply.

Posted via

Mike S. [email protected]

The “`Stok’ disclaimers” apply.