I’ve been avidly following this thread, since I recently had to
upgrade (company policy) to OSX 10.8, and I wanted to get my
gnuradio install running again at the 3.6.3 release.
It looked like things had mostly settled down, so I made sure any
old files were uninstalled, and tried
the steps below, gleaned from this thread, but in the end
there was no executable command “gnuradio-companion” anywhere
to be run. All that showed up was gnuradio-config-info, even after
Any ideas? $PATH & $PYTHONPATH appear to be set right:
[eds-mac:~] edwardc% echo $PATH
[eds-mac:~] edwardc% echo $PYTHONPATH
[eds-mac:~] edwardc%
I’m stumped! Even spotlight can’t find gnuradio-companion, so something
must have failed, but what? I got no error messages during the builds.
@(^.^)@ Ed
STEP 1. Downgrade Boost
bash-3.2$ mkdir tmpboost
bash-3.2$ cd tmpboost/
bash-3.2$ svn co -r 98466 http://svn.macports.org/repository/macports
… svn messages…
bash-3.2$ cd boost
bash-3.2$ sudo port build
… port messages …
bash-3.2$ sudo port installed boost*
The following ports are currently installed:
boost @1.50.0_0
boost @1.52.0_1+no_single+no_static+python27 (active)
bash-3.2$ sudo port
[tmpboost/boost] > activate [email protected]_0
—> Computing dependencies for boost
—> Deactivating boost @1.52.0_1+no_single+no_static+python27
—> Cleaning boost
—> Activating boost @1.50.0_0
—> Cleaning boost
[tmpboost/boost] >
STEP 2. Install uhd
[tmpboost/boost] > variants uhd
uhd has the variants:
debug: Enable debug binaries
docs: build documentation
examples: enable examples
libusb: enable USB support via libusb version 1.0
manual: build manual
python26: Build UHD for Python 2.6
* conflicts with python27
[+]python27: Build UHD for Python 2.7
* conflicts with python26
tests: enable tests
universal: Build for multiple architectures
[tmpboost/boost] > install uhd +libusb +docs +python27
… lots of ports messages …
[tmpboost/boost] > installed boost*
The following ports are currently installed:
boost @1.50.0_0
boost @1.52.0_1+no_single+no_static+python27 (active)
[tmpboost/boost] > activate [email protected]_0
—> Computing dependencies for boost
—> Deactivating boost @1.52.0_1+no_single+no_static+python27
—> Cleaning boost
—> Activating boost @1.50.0_0
—> Cleaning boost
[tmpboost/boost] >
STEP 3. Install gnuradio
[tmpboost/boost] > variants gnuradio
gnuradio has the variants:
debug: Enable debug binaries
docs: Install GNU Radio documentation
full: Enable all variants except python (and, for next, ctrlport)
* requires docs grc jack orc portaudio qtgui sdl swig uhd wavelet
grc: Install GNU Radio Companion
* requires swig
jack: Install GNU Radio with support for JACK audio
orc: Install GNU Radio Volk with support for ORC
portaudio: Install GNU Radio with support for portaudio audio
python26: Build GNU Radio using Python 2.6
* conflicts with python27
[+]python27: Build GNU Radio using Python 2.7
* conflicts with python26
qtgui: Install GNU Radio with support for Qt GUI
sdl: Install GNU Radio with support for SDL-based video
swig: Install GNU Radio with support for SWIG-base Python bindings
uhd: Install GNU Radio with support for UHD
universal: Build for multiple architectures
wavelet: Install GNU Radio Wavelet component
wxgui: Install GNU Radio with support for Wx GUI
[tmpboost/boost] > install gnuradio +orc +uhd +docs +grc +jack
+portaudio +python27 +qtgui +sdl +swig +wavelet +wxgui
… Lots of port messages …
[tmpboost/boost] > installed boost*
The following ports are currently installed:
boost @1.50.0_0
boost @1.52.0_1+no_single+no_static+python27 (active)
[tmpboost/boost] > activate [email protected]_0
—> Computing dependencies for boost
—> Deactivating boost @1.52.0_1+no_single+no_static+python27
—> Cleaning boost
—> Activating boost @1.50.0_0
—> Cleaning boost
[tmpboost/boost] >
STEP 4. Reboot