My friends ! Let’s not become dogmatic, please !!! …
I have nothing against standards in coding and all, but please, let us
people write dirty code sometimes ! It can be so handy !
I like well indented code, and pushing a whole lot of code I want to
make optional one indentation further is a pain in the back. There are
many ways to program well, and there is also idiosyncratic or
exceptional programming that may be way clearer with a blatant GOTO.
Why not ? I like it when a language gives me tools, handy tools, logical
ones, for particular situations, like, imagine, you just want to have
the data in a proper format and start doing nifty stuff with it right
away. Who cares if the data-load part is not yet modularized, and all,
and if there are some orange cones around your hefty chunk of code with
multiple passes and all — with DEVIATION signs flashing in front it ?
It’s surely temporary, so, let’s relaaax.
And… what if it wasn’t temporary ? I agree that using it too much
(especially backwards) is a bad habit, but in some situations, why not ?
Like, we have a break instruction that is very handy to short-circuit
the code and jump above it.
I like cleanliness and modularization, but I also like to have the eval
command, and metaprogramming stuff to explore sometimes unexpected ways.
So, why not a goto command ?
It’s neat to be able to get dirty when one needs it and feels confident
about it !
Anyway… for now, I’ll just make exceptions to my indentation fixation,
waiting for a freer future.
Ciao !