Thanks guys,
So after a 36 hours the lightbulb finally clicked in. I think the
greatest issue I found throughout this particular issue wasn’t that I
didn’t hear what some of you were saying to me, it’s that I couldn’t see
what you were saying to me.
The end result code for finding everything from both associated tables
@rushing_offenses.each do |r|
r.rank # this is the piece I did not understand how to code
I didn’t know how to tie in the two tables code wise when iterating
through each row. A lot of what I read concentrated more on talking
about how associations work but less on how to code a simple select all
rows statement. As I said beforehand, I work better when I see code. I
just happened to stumble upon this while doing my own tests… and then I
understood a bit more…
But, I still have an issue with my list method and using code between
two tables…
For instance,
I have a named_scope for the date between compiles:
named_scope :compiled_this_week, lambda { { :conditions => ['compiled_on
? and compiled_on < ?’,,] } }
… and a list function to paginate my code:
def self.list(search, page, orderby, sortby, numteams)
orderby = “rank” if orderby == nil
orderall = (sortby != ‘asc’ && sortby != nil) ? “DESC” : “ASC”
compiled_this_week.paginate :conditions => [‘name like ?’,
“%#{search}%”], :order => orderby + " #{orderall}", :per_page =>
numteams, :page => page
In my index view I’m making a search call to :name,
<% form_tag rushing_offenses_path, :method => 'get' do %>
<%= hinted_text_field_tag :search, params[:search], "Enter
Team" %>
<%= submit_tag “Team Search”, :name => nil %>
<% end %>
But of course the :name is not going to work now. I still do not know
how to change the pagination to work between two tables.
If I find this answer, my brain will not explode but I’ll finally be
able to take a shower and my fiance won’t make me sleep on the couch
By the way, Marnen - loved your site and the fact that you are into
Colin, Fred, and Eric - all four of you have helped me through a bunch
of things so far. I only hope that one day I’ll be knowledable enough
that I can start answering other peoples’ questions…