I love Ruby - But how bright is Ruby's Future?

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, Logan C. wrote:

=> false
irb(main):005:0> sym
=> :“a symbol”
irb(main):006:0> YAML.load(YAML.dump(sym))
=> :"“a symbol”"
irb(main):007:0> VERSION
=> “1.8.4”

Looks like a bug to me.

harp:~ > irb -r yaml
irb(main):001:0> sym = :“a symbol”
=> :“a symbol”
irb(main):002:0> sym == sym
=> true
irb(main):003:0> sym == YAML.load(YAML.dump(sym))
=> true
irb(main):004:0> sym
=> :“a symbol”
irb(main):005:0> YAML.load(YAML.dump(sym))
=> :“a symbol”
irb(main):006:0> VERSION
=> “1.8.4”

looks like a bad ruby to me. a package installer? mine is compiled on
rhe and
seems to work fine?


On Jun 7, 2006, at 2:53 PM, [email protected] wrote:

=> true

=> :“a symbol”


suffering increases your inner strength. also, the wishing for
makes the suffering disappear.

  • h.h. the 14th dali lama

Compiled from source on OS X. Yay! A platform-specific problem. My

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, Logan C. wrote:

Compiled from source on OS X. Yay! A platform-specific problem. My favorite.

ah. bummer. this is what’s kept me from moving to mac - seen too many
these thus far. guess i’ll have to wait a while more ;-(



On Thu, 8 Jun 2006 [email protected] wrote:

I think it’s a platform-specific solution – that is, it only works on
Ara’s computer :slight_smile: I get the same results you get, on my Mac and on
a PC running Fedora. I guess RHE must have patched Ruby in some way.

nope - rhe uses ruby 1.6.8! this is ruby compiled from source:

harp:~ > ruby --version
ruby 1.8.4 (2006-01-12) [i686-linux]

harp:~ > ruby -r yaml -e’ p YAML.load(YAML.dump( :“foo bar” )) ’
:“foo bar”

what’s yours?


Hi –

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, [email protected] wrote:

harp:~ > ruby -r yaml -e’ p YAML.load(YAML.dump( :“foo bar” )) ’
:“foo bar”

what’s yours?

$ ruby -r yaml -ve ‘p YAML.load(YAML.dump( :“foo bar” ))’
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i686-linux]
:"“foo bar”"

Interesting. What’s the 2006-01-12 1.8.4?


Hi –

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, Logan C. wrote:

irb(main):002:0> sym = :“a symbol”
=> “1.8.4”
irb(main):003:0> sym == YAML.load(YAML.dump(sym))
Compiled from source on OS X. Yay! A platform-specific problem. My favorite.
I think it’s a platform-specific solution – that is, it only works on
Ara’s computer :slight_smile: I get the same results you get, on my Mac and on
a PC running Fedora. I guess RHE must have patched Ruby in some way.


On Thu, 8 Jun 2006 [email protected] wrote:

nope - rhe uses ruby 1.6.8! this is ruby compiled from source:
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i686-linux]
:"“foo bar”"

Interesting. What’s the 2006-01-12 1.8.4?

ah. i guess you guys don’t run latest stable? that 1.8.4 is getting


i’ve always use the latest stable compiled from source. obviously i
compiled for a bit - but this is just a development machine.

might want to try to compile a new ruby up and (before installing dear
readers!) see if that fixes issues. don’t forget to re-compile any



On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 07:09:44AM +0900, [email protected] wrote:

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, [email protected] wrote:

harp:~ > ruby --version
ruby 1.8.4 (2006-01-12) [i686-linux]

harp:~ > ruby -r yaml -e’ p YAML.load(YAML.dump( :“foo bar” )) ’
:“foo bar”

$ ruby -r yaml -ve ‘p YAML.load(YAML.dump( :“foo bar” ))’
ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i686-linux]
:“"foo bar"”

At the risk of accusing Ara of being ahead of the curve, a patch was
in January by ocean. [1] I think Ara’s got a branch snapshot. Sounds
like a
good time to bring up 1.8.5 on ruby-core again.

Thanks everyone!



How did this thread get hijacked?

I’m changing it back.

If your question is only whether ruby is better than python - yes, it
is. =)

There are some smaller things that lack some bug fixes but in all
fairness I believe python has an advantage because more people are using
it (at least they dont write japanese docu only, and i really dislike
that there is so much docu in only-japanese available)

Ruby is beauty, Python is not.

For me, this sold me on Ruby. (Well ok, I try to write beautiful Ruby
code. I dont like obfuscation at all.)

On 8-Jun-06, at 12:33 AM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

Matthew S. wrote:

For big values of long - your guess is likely as good as mine, but
pick Lisp. Four decades and still going strong.
Actually, Lispnik Paul Graham is “redesigning” Lisp to last 100 years
(from now). Do a search for “Paul Graham” and “ARC” to see what he’s
proposing. It hasn’t moved a lot recently; perhaps he’s leaning
jumping on the Ruby bandwagon. :slight_smile:

Not to hijack the thread, but make a casual comment regarding Arc.
Paul Graham has done a lot for the Lisp community, however, he’s
basically gone in and said “look how great lisp is” while in the same
breath stating, “but wait, ignore it, I’m redesigning it making it
better, but I don’t have anything yet, stay tuned”. Which essentially
killed a lot of the forward momentum and acceptance of lisp. He’s not
exactly someone I’d point to if I were trying to make the point
you’re trying to make.

Jeremy T.
[email protected]

“One serious obstacle to the adoption of good programming languages
is the notion that everything has to be sacrificed for speed. In
computer languages as in life, speed kills.” – Mike Vanier

Matthew S. wrote:

For big values of long - your guess is likely as good as mine, but I’d
pick Lisp. Four decades and still going strong.
Actually, Lispnik Paul Graham is “redesigning” Lisp to last 100 years
(from now). Do a search for “Paul Graham” and “ARC” to see what he’s
proposing. It hasn’t moved a lot recently; perhaps he’s leaning towards
jumping on the Ruby bandwagon. :slight_smile:

And as a result, “business acceptance” in its traditional sense is
becoming less relevant to language design because typical businesses
are contributing less to language design; essentially nothing in
direct terms, and even their marginal contribution of providing jobs
to direct contributors (i.e. jobs not involving those contributions)
is proportionally lower than it ever has been.
Hmmm … well, maybe business didn’t contribute much to the design of
Ruby, but C, C++, C#, Java, Visual Basic, APL and Fortran were
designed by businesses!

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

On Jun 8, 2006, at 5:33, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

Matthew S. wrote:

For big values of long - your guess is likely as good as mine, but
pick Lisp. Four decades and still going strong.
Actually, Lispnik Paul Graham is “redesigning” Lisp to last 100 years
(from now). Do a search for “Paul Graham” and “ARC” to see what he’s
proposing. It hasn’t moved a lot recently; perhaps he’s leaning
jumping on the Ruby bandwagon. :slight_smile:

I actually pointed towards Paul Graham earlier in the thread, though
not about Arc in particular. I’ve been watching Arc for a while, and
I think I’ll reserve judgement until it actually appears. My bet is
that PG’s been sidetracked by the spam issue in much the same way
that Knuth got sidetracked by TeX while writing the Art of Computer

And as a result, “business acceptance” in its traditional sense is
becoming less relevant to language design because typical businesses
are contributing less to language design; essentially nothing in
direct terms, and even their marginal contribution of providing jobs
to direct contributors (i.e. jobs not involving those contributions)
is proportionally lower than it ever has been.
Hmmm … well, maybe business didn’t contribute much to the design of
Ruby, but C, C++, C#, Java, Visual Basic, APL and Fortran were
designed by businesses!

Dennis Ritchie, Bjarne Stroustrup, and James Gosling (and their
colleagues and collaborators) may disagree with your assertion that
they are ‘businesses’ rather than ‘people’. APL emerged out of
Harvard’s proto-CS department (not really a business), though the
name of its creator eludes me. I’d also be willing to bet that there
was an individual at IBM directly responsible for designing Fortran
(though this hunch is based more on the nature of Fortran and the
size and nature of the industry at that point in history than any
concrete knowledge).

This was exactly the point I’m trying to make: if a business wants
something which conforms to their needs, they need to directly invest
in the process of its creation. Such as by hiring people like those
listed above to design languages.

In any case, it wasn’t the Suns, Microsofts, and IBMs of the world
that I was talking about, but those companies who aren’t in the
business of creating languages and tools, but merely sit on the
sidelines and say “but is it Acceptable to Business? I won’t let you
use it unless it’s Acceptable to Business.” Their contribution to
projects like Ruby (or even Java, if you include its community
process) has always been the marginal one of providing incidental
employment to people who made direct contributions in their spare time.

That marginal contribution has recently been dropping in importance
for a number of reasons, so it really shouldn’t surprise these
businesses that projects to which they make essentially no
contribution don’t really reflect their needs.

What I’m trying to point out is that standing on the sidelines saying
“wow, you’ve got a really nice project there, maybe you should make
it Acceptable to Business so I can use it” is an unrealistic
solution, at least in part because the implicit threat of “or noone
will ever give you money for it” isn’t particularly true anymore.

matthew smillie.

Jeremy T. wrote:

killed a lot of the forward momentum and acceptance of lisp. He’s not
exactly someone I’d point to if I were trying to make the point you’re
trying to make.
I think he also said something along the lines of “all Ruby needs to be
better than Lisp is Lisp-style macro capabilities.” If he didn’t,
someone did, and whoever said it, I agree. :slight_smile: Still, designing a
programming language is more about choosing what to leave out than what
to put in.

So … on the main thread, where are we?

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

The original post’s title: “I love Ruby - But how bright is Ruby’s
Also from the original post: “I love Ruby but I don’t want to waist
[sic] my
time with a laguage [sic] that may not have a future.” Fundamentally,
has nothing to do with how long it will take to sell Ruby to

I tried to establish that widespread adoption by corporate IT shops (in
way that has been achieved by Java) would be a good way to ensure that
has a bright future. But the consensus of the thread (as I read it) is
widespread adoption by business is not material to Ruby’s success, and
is at
least suspicious when considered as a goal for the Ruby community.

Ruby can clearly be sold to programmers on its merits as a programming
language. (It can’t be sold to IT managers on that basis, but our sense
that their acceptance doesn’t really matter.) Beyond that, I’m not sure
we’ve come any closer to answering the original question.

So … on the main thread, where are we?

Well, the main thread was about how long will it be until selling Ruby
to corporations becomes easy. Because people like to work.

The interesting thing is that if you have Gmail, the hijacked version
of the thread – with all its mentions of Lisp – is showing me ads
for jobs at Google, Art & Logic, and Jane Street Capital.

Talk about Lisp and Ruby enough in Gmail, and all you get is job ads.

Not to be totally intractable, but I think this totally proves my
earlier point, that people who are looking for good programmers are
much better customers than people who want you to code in Language X.

On the other hand, the Google job ads are all for Java jobs, so,
whatever. Who knows.

Matthew S. [email protected] writes:

name of its creator eludes me. I’d also be willing to bet that there
was an individual at IBM directly responsible for designing Fortran
(though this hunch is based more on the nature of Fortran and the
size and nature of the industry at that point in history than any
concrete knowledge).

John Backus. Perhaps you’ve heard of Backus-Naur Form as well?


Giles: I can’t say anything about Japan. I was using the word “business”
mean “corporate IT.” Given that you make the distinction between
old-fashioned, hidebound corporate IT and other kinds of businesses,
then I
can see the point you’re making.
And you’re probably right.

Would it be correct to characterize your thinking, to a first
as the following? “Corporate IT has no use for Ruby and Ruby has no use
corporate IT. Everywhere else, Ruby is booming and will continue to do

On 6/8/06, Francis C. [email protected] wrote:

The original post’s title: “I love Ruby - But how bright is Ruby’s future?”
Also from the original post: “I love Ruby but I don’t want to waist [sic] my
time with a laguage [sic] that may not have a future.” Fundamentally, this
has nothing to do with how long it will take to sell Ruby to corporations.

I tried to establish that widespread adoption by corporate IT shops (in the
way that has been achieved by Java) would be a good way to ensure that Ruby
has a bright future.


“Fundamentally, [the brightness of Ruby’s future] has nothing do with
how long it will take to sell Ruby to corporations…widespread
adoption by corporate IT shops…would be a good way to ensure that
Ruby has a bright future.”



jaw hanging open

totally not getting it

But the consensus of the thread (as I read it) is that
widespread adoption by business is not material to Ruby’s success, and is at
least suspicious when considered as a goal for the Ruby community.

well, a lot of new people are coming to the Ruby community via Rails.
I can’t speak for everybody but that’s a big part of what brought me
here. and the thing is, if you look into the roots of Rails, the
company it came from, 37 Signals, they’re very strident and hardcore
about the difference between corporations and business. in fact a lot
of the norms of corporate IT departments are viewed pretty scornfully
by those guys (e.g., “Meetings Are Toxic,” “There’s Nothing Functional
About A Functional Spec,” Jason Fried’s rants about the way things are
generally done in corporate IT departments).

I think there’s definitely a difference between corporations and
business in general. I think widespread adoption by corporations
is viewed suspiciously. I could be wrong tho.

I think the general opinion might be that corporate IT departments are
bright for Ruby’s future as a source of income but dark for its future
as a beautiful language. But that could be wrong. As I understand it
Ruby is pretty mainstream in Japan.

Giles B. wrote:

I think there’s definitely a difference between corporations and
business in general. I think widespread adoption by corporations
is viewed suspiciously. I could be wrong tho.

In the USA, it is nigh impossible to run a business without also being
incorporated. Even non-businesses, such as Ruby Central, are Inc.'ed.

But I think I get your point.

When I had a Real Job, I was glad when I was able to move from VB to
Java, largely because I got to work with some very smart people writing
good, inventive Java. I learned a lot and it was fun.

But a few years later, management changed, and what might be called the
Corporate Mindset took over. So, I was still doing Java, but the
particulars were dictated: J2EE +iPlanet. Ick. We became framework

No more using the language in whatever means was most appropriate. They
wanted plug-and-play code by and for plug-and-play coders. Instead of
looking to see how to best build a business, people were looking mostly
to preserve what they had, and would pick the safest choices to cover
their asses. (I.e., “Best practices: Adequate choices that probably
won’t get you fired.”)

So, it may be good if companies adopt Ruby, but if they end up
dictating, for example, that every Web app must use Rails, even if
their developers can offer better alternatives, then the fun can fade.

James B.

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