Just playing with the code a little, more education than speed.
On 28.11.2011 09:05, Ryan D. wrote:
puts $stdin.readlines.map(&:to_i).sort
Your solution could be written like
a = $stdin.readlines
b = a.map(&:to_i)
c = b.sort
puts c
while processing of a, b, and c is completely sequential. All three
objects created are arrays full of data: a contains all string lines
read in, b makes all these entries into integers, c is the same sorted.
Three large arrays. All sequentially processed.
A similar solution, at first glance only marginally different, is the
puts $stdin.each_line.sort_by(&:to_i)
Besides the fact that this solution is slower than yours, it uses a neat
little technique of Ruby 1.9, Enumerators. Here, only a single big array
is created, which is the result array. IO#each_line() does not read in
the whole file at once but provides an Enumerator – iteration fiber –
that passes each read line to the .sort_by() call while they are read.
Only sort_by will exhaustively fetch the items and eventually sort them
based on the sorting criteria.
Driving pipelining with the Enumerators to the max, we need a filter
chain. Let’s set up a generic filter (which is still not there in
Enumerator?) similar to the one described ages ago in issue #707
[Feature #707: Documentation for Enumerator chaining - Ruby master - Ruby Issue Tracking System]
puts $stdin.each_line.filter1(&:to_i).sort
Let’s expand the last line into smaller chunks, similar to the
explanation of your code:
a = $stdin.each_line
b = a.filter1(&:to_i)
c = b.sort
puts c
Now, walking the code, nothing really happens until we hit b.sort – the
creation of the objects a and b will just setup the filter chain and not
yet pull any data from $stdin. Once called on an Enumerator, #sort
cannot perform its action and return even a single entry before knowing
all entries, so it will call up b.next until it receives a
»StopIteration« exception. But for b to return a new value, it first has
to apply .to_i to the next value on its input, which is again an
iterator, a. So next is the call to a.next which will return the first
line read from $stdin. Finally we can walk our way back to sort: The
vaue is returned to the filter so it can be converted (to_i) and
returned from b.next. Finally the number can take part in the sorting
In theory, if all these operations were considered non-destructive,
.each_line, .filter1 and .sort could run in three different threads
asynchronously, with buffers in between, utilizing the whole CPU and
probably reducing the overall execution time. But this is not the case:
There must not be any read-ahead by any of these designated threads,
drastically limiting their achievable concurrency performance from the
End of the Enumerator lesson. 
– Matthias