Make rails connect with database

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Mas B. [email protected] wrote:

i didn’t understand your instruction. what must i run in console? did
you mean “rails server”? or what else?

i mean rails console.

you really need to go through a tutorial first and learn the basics of
rails. I suggest
looking at the rails guide for starters.

For more options, visit

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Mas B. [email protected] wrote:


it can show all of my record in table.

congrats! you’re able to connect to the database. if you have
other errors, please open a new thread about it :slight_smile:

For more options, visit

owh, i see… i forgot that command. i have been try that command in
other app (but when i create database via rails), but i forgot to try
this command in this app.

so, this the step, i try to run this:

“rails console”

and then i run this command:


it can show all of my record in table.

but why it didn’t show at the website, i just see button (show, edit,
and destroy) but it has leads to the primary key in table member.

thanks for your help. i know what the problem. i forgot to add syntax to
show it, because usually it make automaticly. thanks for your help.