Here comes more useful info.
Using mongrel’s direct link, instead of routing through lighttpd gives
me about a 1 in 7 or 8 (same amount) of popping up with an error 500.
It makes very little sense to me because I know lighttpd routed properly
(had it not, I’d never have seen a rails error).
Confusion still there…
Hmm…I ran another stress run (20 pages at once) and the login screen
gave me a 500 error once as well… Something’s up…I don’t think one
mongrel can handle 20 connections, but since the failure rate goes -way-
up when I have a database involved, I’m uncertain…
C.jay Martin wrote:
Can’t totally rule out Mongrel routing, because the test was so simple
and I was unable to enforce two simultaneous attempts, but the hello
program, loaded on over 20 panes simultaneously, had zero errors…Second-check. I did the same exact thing with the login screen for the
real program (it doesn’t link to the database…that’s -IT- for
differences) and not one error. It has to be DB related.I think all that leaves is the DB, Rails’ link to the database, or
Mongrel’s treatment of the processes in regards to the DB. It’s
definitely related to the DB though.Luis L. wrote:
On 2/26/07, C.jay Martin [email protected] wrote:
with me having to push it with simultaneous connections. Either
something is drastically wrong with mongrel’s concurrency capabilities,
or something’s up with SQL Server. At this point, I’m pretty convinced
there’s nothing in my code or NTFS permissions doing this.NTFS Permissions update:
Tossed the whole thing onto a test box, gave ruby, my app, mongrel, etc
full user permissions. Still seems to happen.You still use the SQL Server as backend, right?
Could you try a clean rails app as service? put some test controller
(like hello world action).If that don’t fail, is related to our SQL Server connection that
timeout and raise some issues (randomly it seems).–
Luis L.
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Vince Lombardi