Timothy F. [email protected] writes:
After looking at some of the RSS based sidebar plugins (Flickr,
delicious, etc), there’s a lot code that looks like it was
copy-and-pasted. I’ve started figuring out how to refactor the common
RSS code into one place. Sometime in the next few days I will have
collected enough coding time to have a patch available for review.
Piers, let me know how I can help best without stepping all over
your toes.
Well, I’m planning on rejigging the way sidebars work to eliminate the
controller, but I’m also aiming to make the change in such a way that
most of the code that’s now in controllers can port over to a model in
a fairly straightforward fashion.
So, I’d suggest continuing with the work you’re doing and I’ll
incorporate it when the time comes.
I’ve got some more work to do on the feedback page (better filtering
of what’s there) before I start in on sidebars.
FWIW, I’m working on URL cleanups in a local branch. I’m throwing out
a lot of code :-).
I just filed ticket #1085.
The Aggregator object, in addition to RSS 2.0, has basic support of Atom
feeds. More importantly it logs errors to the application log so that
users have some starting point to work from when dealing with sidebars
that won’t display. So it is verbose, but hopefully in a constructive
I included Flickr and 43Things model implementations as examples of how
subclassing the Aggregator class works.
The Aggregator class has a field called errors. I use that to collect
errors that I then look for in the unit tests, but I can also imagine
one day exposing those errors in the admin console. If a user was
confronted with “Error opening url ($FEED_URL): 404” while configuring a
sidebar they will be more likely to fix the problem without becoming
Any comments or suggestions are very appreciated.
Piers C. wrote:
displayed in his blog, and no warnings appeared in either the admin
of what’s there) before I start in on sidebars.
Timothy F.
“Scott L.” [email protected] writes:
FWIW, I’m working on URL cleanups in a local branch. I’m throwing out
a lot of code :-).
Yay! We love it when we throw out code.
As an aside, what do you say to the ideas coming from the RESTful
crowd of getting rid of ‘admin’ controllers and moving their actions
up into top level resource controllers with protected actions.
Personally, I find the idea rather compelling, but I haven’t thought
it all the way through yet.