Un bel po’ di adesioni ci sono… come procediamo ora?
Secondo me serve un volenteroso (o uno con esperienza in organizzare
che scrivi le cose da fare.
2010/12/28 Michele F. [email protected]
2010/12/20 Andrea R. [email protected]:
ciao Simone,
“… static analysis is fun, again!”
OWASP Orizon project leader, http://github.com/owasp-orizon
OWASP Esapi Ruby project leader,
GitHub - thesp0nge/owasp-esapi-ruby: The Owasp Esapi Ruby is a port for outstanding release quality Owasp Esapi project to the Ruby programming language. The idea is to build a Ruby gem (the standard ruby library archive format) containing the Esapi concepts implemented in Ruby classes so people using Ruby in their Rails application can have security into them.