Problem starting Merb 0.4.1


I seem to be having problems getting merb 0.4.1 up and running. My
platform is ubuntu (7.10) and all packages/gems are up-to-date. For
reference, another project using merb 0.3.7 was working fine on the
same box.

With a completely fresh project - running merb gives me the following

Merb started with these options:

:merb_root: /home/roland/sketch/testmerb3
:exception_details: true
:cache_templates: false
:reloader_time: 0.5
:use_mutex: true
:session_secret_key: TESTMERB39706
:port: “4000”
:session_id_cookie_only: true
:query_string_whitelist: []

:reloader: true
:environment: development

Started merb_init.rb …
Loading Application…
Compiling routes…

But then just dumps me back in to the terminal instead of
foregrounding the server. Trying to run merb -i doesn’t bring up irb.

One slightly odd thing: running merb -v gives me “merb 0.4.0 (svn)”
whereas I think I would have expected 0.4.1 version number? I am
definitely using the 0.4.1 gem, and have tried using the full path to
the merb script to make sure that it is the right one being called.

As an aside I’ve installed the merb_datamapper/merb_activerecord/
merb_helpers “plugins” - but am not even using a db at the moment.

If anyone can shed any light on this, the help would be much


On Nov 24, 2007, at 11:35 AM, Roland S. wrote:

Merb started with these options:
:query_string_whitelist: []


Hi Roland-

Can you pop into the #merb irc channel on ? We would
be happy to help you get things all setup and working properly.


Doing a bit more digging has solved the problem - I don’t think this
is necessarily a problem with merb.

Installing the ruby2ruby gem did not install the ParseTree gem as well

  • although there seems to be a ParseTree class included with ruby2ruby
    as well (Not sure as I haven’t looked at ruby2ruby)?

The problem was that calling ParseTree.translate in
Merb::Server#load_action_arguments --> core_ext/get_args.rb just died
with no exceptions

Not sure how to fix this problem sort of problem for everyone: the
ParseTree constant did exist, just presumably not the right one.

Thanks anyway - I would have jumped on IRC if I hadn’t got any further
with this today…
