Rake Friday?

Can you lock it with chmod?

Lacking shell access on rubyforge makes this difficult to do
stuff like
that. However, I see Tom has seen this thread. Perhaps he will be
gently nudged to do something :slight_smile:

Yup, priority += 1… and now I’ve actually written it down!


So hopefully I’ll be able to get it done…



editable" aspect is no
longer sustainable due to hoodlums.

Yup, that’s a good idea. If UseMod (that’s the Wiki RubyForge uses)
supports something like that, it’d be great.

Just a thought - and, regardless: thanks VERY much for rubyforge !!!

You’re quite welcome!



Jim W. wrote:

James B. wrote:

Oh, and why I went to the wiki in the first place:

How can I call one Rake task from inside another task?

Just for you, I started a FAQ section in the User Guide. See

Does that answer your question?

Jim, you’re the greatest.


James B.

“A principle or axiom is of no value without the rules for applying it.”

  • Len Bullard